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Disgusted With PIP Decision

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  • 3 weeks later...
For my ESA application I sent them all of my medical notes that I have, meaning that I had to send them by parcel post because I've got nearly 400 pages, and I made sure to annotate them with tab stickers just so they could get to the really devastating bits, and I will continue to do similarly with every application until they ask me to send them less.


The government shouldn't go on the radio telling the Today programme and PM that if anybody is inappropriately turned down for any of these benefits it's because they didn't include enough medical data, if they didn't want LOTS of medical data, should they?


Glad to hear that it all worked in your case Jane :)

Thanks Medusa. I should have said before that the week after Stepdaudaughter got the decision her carers' allowance wasn't paid. We rang to ask why and they said, "we can't tell you, but have you had a PIP consultation". We said yes and SD has been awarded enhanced rate and they said the carers' allowance would be paid sometime that week. Are they just expecting to decline every PIP claim?

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I submitted my Mandatory Reconsideration last week along with a report from my GP and resubmitted evidence I can only presume they ignored the first time round.


My parents/ GP and partner also submitted a letter on my behalf challenging the points awarded to me following my assessment.


Back to playing the waiting game but still not feeling hopeful. Just cannot believe they requested no medical evidence in making the initial decision baring in mind I am under 3 consultants and have such complex health issues.


Fingers crossed.

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It isn't just PIP decisions.


The criteria for being assessed for 'living together as if married' for benefits purposes are basically- in a relationship, sharing finances / housework / willing to support one another if finances got tough, no outside romantic relationships, planning to live together for the forseeable future.

A male friend of mine has recently been assessed as 'living together as if married' with his female housemate when they meet exactly none of those criteria. Not in a relationship, no shared finances, she has a boyfriend and a fixed date for moving out of the house. They submitted a form which said all this, which clearly just hasn't been read.


I suppose this is a minor cost saving for the agencies involved, but it plays real havoc with people's lives. I think it's disgusting.

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I submitted my Mandatory Reconsideration last week along with a report from my GP and resubmitted evidence I can only presume they ignored the first time round.


My parents/ GP and partner also submitted a letter on my behalf challenging the points awarded to me following my assessment.


Back to playing the waiting game but still not feeling hopeful. Just cannot believe they requested no medical evidence in making the initial decision baring in mind I am under 3 consultants and have such complex health issues.


Fingers crossed.


I think in a lot of cases the more complex your health needs are, the harder it is for someone to choose the easy ticky boxes the first time round on reading your application form so actually it works the wrong way round.


Missing leg, spina bifida, spinal arthritis- easy ticky box, mobility problems etc.


(in my case) partially paralysed arm- not easy because it could almost work fully or it could almost be totally paralysed.


It's not right, but since I had other problems which had names that they recognised, like osteoarthritis it's been somewhat easier than when I had the somewhat nebulous results from surgery to remove a cancer that even my GP had no idea existed.


---------- Post added 02-11-2015 at 22:00 ----------


Thanks Medusa. I should have said before that the week after Stepdaudaughter got the decision her carers' allowance wasn't paid. We rang to ask why and they said, "we can't tell you, but have you had a PIP consultation". We said yes and SD has been awarded enhanced rate and they said the carers' allowance would be paid sometime that week. Are they just expecting to decline every PIP claim?


What they don't want to do is to ever be in the position of paying you when they shouldn't have done (if you'd had an award which was lower than the threshold for carers' allowance, for instance) because there have been all sorts of cases in court which have resulted in them now not really being able to claim back things which have been paid in error.


What is bloody criminal is that they just assume that it's OK to leave you out of pocket just in case it was the right thing to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone


I am happy to tell you I won my appeal


I've gone from 3 points and no PIP to 24 points and Enhanced for both components


The tribunal slammed the DWP and Atos assessor


There is hope it just takes unbelievable effort to get your point across


I've been wiped out for the last week or so and am only just getting back to myself


I'd like to thank you all for your comments and support


All the best



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