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Whole family off to Syria.

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Latest family detained in Turkey. A social and financial giant millstone on its way back shortly. Whoopie-doo.


Odd, if she wants to leave then maybe we should let her, appropriately tracked, monitored from space and with an unmanned drone targeting her 24/7.


As for the children....maybe they have non-mental relatives somewhere who could look after them.

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Surely the state has to step look after any children if the parents are acting in such a disgraceful manner?


The state shouldn't be telling anyone where they can and can not go, if this family wants to move to Syria the government shouldn't be trying to stop them, the government should only get involved if and when they want to come back to Britain.

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The state shouldn't be telling anyone where they can and can not go, if this family wants to move to Syria the government shouldn't be trying to stop them, the government should only get involved if and when they want to come back to Britain.


Rubbish, parents don't "own" their children. If they do something that's going to put their children at serious harm the state should step in.

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The parents own them more than the state does.


Nobody owns anybody's children.


Are you suggesting it's alright for parents to abuse their children and for the state to stand back and do nothing? Because that is what is happening if someone attempts to take their children to a war zone.

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