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I heard it announced (Radio. World Service) that there is a programme available for "De radicalising " potential DJihadsts". Apparently with a dgree of success.

It occurs to me that it is impossible to reform a psychopath.You see, for a person to be attracted to the likes of ISIL then there has to be something deeply wrong with your mental health.

The mental health of those attracted to ISIL seems to be studiously ignored

by the pundits and commentators reporting on the "doings" of ISIL .

Granting that the majority of society are fully in control of their cognitive and emotional faculties; and find the likes of ISIL highly repugnant. To have the urge to join such an organisation IMO puts that person into the category of a

murderess maniac . I'm not convinced that a potential recruit is just a bit confused. I would be very weary of an individual who expressed a desire to join the ranks of ISIL.


Am I wrong in my thoughts ?

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IS should be terrorised by us. The occasional missile and/or visit from the SAS will put them back in their box.

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It occurs to me that it is impossible to reform a psychopath.You see, for a person to be attracted to the likes of ISIL then there has to be something deeply wrong with your mental health.


There are studies showing that most on Wall Street are psychopaths, so psychopath isn't likely a correct term, otherwise many on this forum alone could be deemed to have mental issues.




...second thoughts, you could be right. :hihi:

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It was my impression that on this forum we call the particular terrorist nutters to which you refer isis.


If we change their name every week or so peole will not realise who we are talking about.


Only the incompetent lack lustre back stabbing ex labour leader, who was it seems incapable of eating a bacon sandwich ever called them isol though he did make it sound as though he was calling them eyesore.


The BBC now calls them the ... fighters of the the so called islamic state. The BBC it seems prefer to now call them fighters rather than terrorists.


But more on the BBC truth conversions elsewhere.


It is looking as though those that claim the west does not want to get rid of or stop isis might not be entirely misguided.


After all isis buy their arms and supplies from someone and it appears sell their oil to someone yet we don't know who.


Satellites can read newspapers from space yet can't find the isis support camps nor spot their 'military' camps or movements.


The US admits its drones often return without having used their payloads.


food for thought

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I heard it announced (Radio. World Service) that there is a programme available for "De radicalising " potential DJihadsts". Apparently with a dgree of success.

It occurs to me that it is impossible to reform a psychopath.You see, for a person to be attracted to the likes of ISIL then there has to be something deeply wrong with your mental health.

The mental health of those attracted to ISIL seems to be studiously ignored

by the pundits and commentators reporting on the "doings" of ISIL .

Granting that the majority of society are fully in control of their cognitive and emotional faculties; and find the likes of ISIL highly repugnant. To have the urge to join such an organisation IMO puts that person into the category of a

murderess maniac . I'm not convinced that a potential recruit is just a bit confused. I would be very weary of an individual who expressed a desire to join the ranks of ISIL.


Am I wrong in my thoughts ?


So faith and belief in God are mental health issues?

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I must repeat to myself 100 times:


I must not bite..

I must not bite

I must not bite

I must not bite...............


Two people believe in God.


Person A believes God is all loving so lives their life in loving way, ignoring all that is violent in the bible or Koran. But they still believe they are following the will of God.


Person B believes God is hateful, violent and vengeful, caring and loving, so lives their life in a hateful, violent and vengeful caring and loving way. They believe they are following the will of God.


If persons B's belief in God means they have mental health issues then surely persons A's belief in God must mean they also have mental health issues.

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Two people believe in God.


Person A believes God is all loving so lives their life in loving way, ignoring all that is violent in the bible or Koran. But they still believe they are following the will of God.


Person B believes God is hateful, violent and vengeful, caring and loving, so lives their life in a hateful, violent and vengeful caring and loving way. They believe they are following the will of God.


If persons B's belief in God means they have mental health issues then surely persons A's belief in God must mean they also have mental health issues.


Then mental health isn't the issue alone, it's the extent MH has on the individual because of that individual.


How you govern your life based on the existence of a tooth fairy is delusional as is believing in the Apocalypse, simply because if it doesn't happen by the hand of God then it will become self prophesying by the hand of man, who will in turn credit it to God in order to wash their hands. After all, believers are always right?


Believers have a habit of riding on the back of progress. God has an answer for everything, even when he takes the credit through science..after all they will shout.....'without God you don't have science'.


Not so long ago the asylums were full of people who danced with goblins and devils or spoke to phantoms under the bed..not sure if any were straight jacketed or zapped for chatting and singing with the almighty on a Sunday. Same thing in my opinion.

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