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How to report an incident local authority

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Whilst collecting a take away order from an italian restaurant i was scalded in the premises due to a lid not being on one of the dishes, I contacted the HSE RIDDOR and have just heard back from them saying i need to report to my local authority.


does anybody know the route i need to go down in reporting the incident?


Thanks in advance

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the scald is less than 10% but why would that matter?


the container was underneath another item in the box the waitress handed over to me it spilled out during transition from her to me.


The restaurant closed the same night for 2 and half weeks for annual holidays so i haven't been able to raise the complaint with the owner!


I went to the doctor the following morning and have prescription cream to put on it.

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of course i said something. i yelled out and she waitress took the box back from me apologizing.. the chef then took out the container without the lid and put a lid on it and handed back also apologizing.


I wasnt that painful at the time but within 10 minutes of getting home the pain was unbearable.

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