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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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Great....Sheffield used to be good but now all youngsters are turning to devils....its horrible !!!!! it used to be ok. I used to love sheffield but at the moment i cant wait to get out from here. But im sure if i leave Sheffield I will miss it so much.......what do we get??? steel

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I was born in Sheffield and left in Oct. 1991 to live in a small village near Cologne in Germany. When I left Sheffield the only thing going for it was the new opening of Meadowhall! Over the years, during my frequent visits to family, I have seen many changes in Sheffield which makes me proud. It's improved so much since then and it's getting better. I just wish the council would tackle the roads and rubbish problem. Recently we went to the Ski Village and my eldest daughter had her first ski lesson, she's now looking forward to trying her skills on the propper stuff now in wintertime in the south of Germany.


Having said all that I don't know if I would be able to settle back in Sheffield. The weather is better here although the winters are colder the Summers are better.


What bit of wincobank.I used to live in Grimesthorpe[my Dad still lives there] my husband came from Brightside & my sister lives in Shiregreen

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I was born in Sheffield in 1936. Spent WW II on my parent's mission station in Madagascar. Back to Woodseats School, King Ted's via the 11+, Sheffield Uni.

After 7 years working for the NHS, we were destroyed by Harold Wilson's wage freeze, and fled to Australia as 10 pound migrants. After 2 years we came back, and realosed that we were much better off in Australia, so returned. Now, after 39 years, we've become Aus. citizens; this means we can get into Heathrow waving a British passport, and get through quickly, and then return to Brisbane waving our Australian ones, and join the short queue there!

Maybe we could have made a good life in Sheffield, but we've done very well here.

Drawbacks to Australia: nobody can make a good pork pie; there's no wonderful misty atmosphere of autumn; can't find a seller of Yorkshire Mixtures or of Kendal Mint Cake (eagerly taken by my grandkids when I come back with some); books take months longer to reach the shop shelves......

Advantages: the back yard pool at 22 deg C today; the friendly geckoes who clean our house og insect pests; friendly people.......

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I was bought up in Sheff, and left in 87. After moving down south for a bit, i eventually moved to Burlington, Canada. I have been here for nearly 2 yrs. After missing home quite a lot, and still do i wouldn't move back to the UK.I would like to go back and visit, to see how much it's changed, but thats about it.I like it a lot here, and yes i even like the weather.

of course i still follow the Owls, even if they aren't doing so well. My husband and I have bets on the scores on the weekends, as he supports Leyton Orient, and me Sheff Weds.



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Born in Stannington, then grew up in Fulwood before joining the Royal Navy in '78 at 16 yrs old so I kind of left Sheffield then. I returned for the odd weekend and leave periods and finally met my future wife in Ranmoor. Over the years we lived in Plymouth, Portsmouth and Catterick (job with the Army). Once my 5 yr old son started picking up the Plymouth accent we came to our senses and quickly moved back to our roots :D

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  • 1 month later...
8) I moved away from Sheffield in 1989. I lived in Bermuda for 2 years and worked on cruise ships around the Caribbean for 3 years. Now I live in Guf Breeze, which is north west Florida. Sheffield is still home.

My husband and I are visiting my family in November for a 2 week holiday. He's American so I have to prepare him for a major culture shock. He enjoys a good cup of tea and actually loves beans on toast. I think he'll survive. However, he can't understand the fact that they serve warm beer! So please everyone in Sheffield, treat him gently and don't laugh at his accent.

I can't wait to see Sheffield again. It's been 3 years since I was there. I hope it hasn't changed too much.

CYA soon:) :wave:

Hello Funke88, I live in North central Florida,moved up from Broward County after our house got knocked about by Wilma. Nice and quiet and sunny. We went back to live in England, Epworth in N. Lincs. for a couple of summers,it was marvelous being amongst South Yorkshire people,and I miss 'tlane and eve:) n more so now they've been promoted. I may sell up and go back.:)

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I left Sheffield in 1986 at the age of 18, and joined the RAF. Since moved all over Britain. Left the RAF in 1998, and now live in South Wales near Cardiff.


I loved Sheffield, and still visit my mother a few times a year, but I'm glad I have experienced other places and other people.


I've also got a decent job out of it, which I doubt I would have got in the Sheffield area in the late 80's.

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Born and bred Sheffield. Left in 75 when I was 25, lived 8 years in Norfolk.At this stage tried to move back to the area but work dictated otherwise.

Moved to north of Scotland and been here ever since.

Do I miss Sheffield? Plenty.

Mostly miss the directness of the people and the places of my growing up.

Nostalgia can be a killer and it's easy to be nostalgic from a distance but as I head towards retirement I'd give my right arm to be back.

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Born and bred Sheffield. Left in 75 when I was 25, lived 8 years in Norfolk.At this stage tried to move back to the area but work dictated otherwise.

Moved to north of Scotland and been here ever since.

Do I miss Sheffield? Plenty.

Mostly miss the directness of the people and the places of my growing up.

Nostalgia can be a killer and it's easy to be nostalgic from a distance but as I head towards retirement I'd give my right arm to be back.


Hiya Philip, spent 7 years near Elgin. Very nice place, don't like the English too much though!!

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We moved to Denmark about 7 yrs ago. Have worked as a boatbuilder in the North of Zeeland, and am now working for the Danish Red Cross, which is the best job I have ever had.


We miss the social (pub) life in England, as it's non-existant here, and of course all the goodies that are made in Sheffield.


The worst part about being here is that as a fluent Danish speaker, I realise that when I (eventually) leave Denmark, there is only really a couple of places in the world that Danish is spoken, so all the time and effort spent learning a really difficult language is a little bit wasted.

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