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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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Born and bred in Sheffield. Aged 18 I went to London to work in hotels. Had a blast. Bed and board provided with the job and spending money for my days off. It was a real adventure.


A year later I came back to Sheffield but 2 years later I moved to rural Hampshire with a b/f and lived there for a couple of years. Total contrast to the city, all dark and local :hihi: The village pub was called the Green Dragon and the landlord Mr Slaughter (I kid you not!) they never called me by my name they always referred to me as "Sheffield".


I realised where my heart is when I used to visit home. We always hit the outskirts of the city in the evening and the iridescent yellow glow of Sheffield from the motorway with the towers shadowed in the distance told me we were finally home. Sheffield was always referred to as home wherever I was.


I'm happy and settled here now, wouldn't swap it for anything. Its nice to go away though, it makes you appreciate what you never saw.


lol.. when I used to visit home when I lived in central London the biggest shock upon my return was how green everywhere was, with our little privit hedges round the gardens and verges. London is just concrete :)

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My last name is Sheffield (Thomas Sheffield). My ancestors left Sheffield over 300 years ago and in the summer of 2005 I plan to visit Sheffield.


There was a family of Sheffields living on Parkside Rd, Hillsborough Mr/mrs Sheffield were local window cleaners who worked well into their 70s. They had a daughter called Sandra. This was between 1950 until the late 1980s

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I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.

hiya i did live in sheffield for the 22 years i have been on the earth but coming up to a year ago me and myother half an the kids wanted to do something with our lifes we are still young and had the oppertunity to move to sourthern ireland due to my partners dad livin in ireland allready and havin his own buissness i wasnt that keen on movin away from all my family at the time but we really needed a clean break away from the same old thing in sheffield i was pregnant with our 3rd child so the strees of movin to another country took its toll as much as i was heart broken leavin my family i did it because they say you follow the one you love and now i am really glad iwe did make that move its a great place as sheffield is very busy and ya always rushin around here is so laid back i carnt explain what it is like you wud have to visit to know weather it for you or not i did come and visit sheffield in december and i couldnt wait to come back to ireland people are so rude but in ireland they are so freindly i dont think i wud ever move back to sheffield its a hole no disrespect to ya when i say that also its great for kids scholls are fab better than sheffield i wud say you will have to give it a try some day :thumbsup:
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Where do you live in Southern Ireland.

I was in wicklow not to long ago, nice place great scenery especially in Avaco and glenalough.

Its an idylic place to be though I would not like to live there, I don't think, though maybe I could settle there.

You have made a good move there, nice in Wexford and Donigall to.

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I moved from sheffield to Leicestershire in 2002, Ok, so its hardly Oz or Canada, but its still a different world, Its brilliant here, and as much as I loved Sheffield I`d never move back, life is easier here, even the damn kids are polite!

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:) Hi Paul


I was born and bred in Sheffield, (Heeley). I then moved to Gleadless. I then met a lady and moved in with her, she lived at Doncaster, we were really happy there. We then moved to Wemouth in Dorset, where we were married. Dorset is a lovely place but one thing we did'nt think about was, it is a holiday resort, too expensive. We are now living back in Doncaster and really enjoying it.


Think twice Paul before moving from one place to another, the grasss is not always greener on the other side. :mad::):thumbsup:

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  • 5 months later...

moved to Canada in 65 and only made one visit back to the U.K i almost came back to Sheffield but the driving scared living hell out of me(every one drives on the wrong side)&those roundabouts i'm still sweating.ah well i've still got the forum.

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Hi Paul


I was born in Sheffield Brightside 1958. I attended Brightside primary and then Hinde House Comp leaving HH in 1974. I lived all over Sheffield and moved to Thailand full time about a year ago, although I have spent much time here over the past few years. I have a Thai wife a business and a beautiful home in the mountains a short drive from Hua Hin. HH is a small town on the eastern coast 3 hours south of Bangkok.


Ofcourse it's different from England, better weather, foods good, people generally ok, customs very different. You can get a good steak and a brill english breakfast when you need a fix. The Thai's are very difficult to understand sometimes (don't mean the language). They drive like lunatics, they never think about tomorrow and are very untrusting of farangs (foreigners).


Still away from the madding crowd it is beautiful, providing you choose well over where you live. Places like Pattaya and Phuket have been spoilt and have a big problem with the farang mafia, especially the Russians.


Bangkok is probably the most exciting city in the world. I have seen things there that I still can't beleive. It has a bad name for the sex trade but that aside it's stunning, with the golden palace and it's unique atmosphere. It is a country that has strong family traditions and farangs are welcomed providing you accept the Thai way and don't expect the country to change for you.


Thailand has problems, the coup being one of them, but it's just a blip. If you get the opportunity come to Thailand.

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I moved away from Sheffield several times during my twenties but always returned. Ten years ago I finally made my mind up and found my dream location by moving to Crete, Greece. I am now settled here and haven't been out of Crete since my Daughter was born 5 years ago. For all of you who have read the thead about being born in the 40's 50's & 60's, you have to come here. Kid's play out in the streets with Granny looking on and I recently saw 'space dust' popping crystals in the shops like we had in Sheffiled in the 70's. Crime is relatively low (except for the tourist season) as kid's wouldn't want to shame their families and its the home of the 'Vendetta' so - if someone is stupid enough to commit a crime against an innocent victim he can hide in prison (the 'bread and water' kind of prison, no re-habilitation involved) but the victims family will be waiting on the outside.

I love reading the forum and my Greek/English daughter even has a Yorkshire accent (sometimes) but, except for the shopping I don't miss a thing.

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