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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.


I moved from Sheffield many years ago. Had no choice as I was kid at the time. We moved to Sussex. Didn't like it one bit. Missed the open down to earth friendliness of Yorkshire people more than anything. I've travelled a bit in the world since then and happy where I am now but still love to go back to visit Sheffield and the rest of Yorkshire.

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Hi Paul and thanks for your reply..I must admit the weather (and yes..the government) can be downsides to staying in this country, but I think I would get homesick for our beautiful coast and country if I went too far away (I'm seriously considering my next move in next few years, to the Outer Hebrides or at least somewhere in the Highlands/Islands). I also find the British seasons can be quite...erm...interesting..I'd be bored if the weather were too consistent!

When you come up to Lindisfarne this summer, you can book my taxi by all means (details can be found at http://www.bordercabs.com). Look forward to seeing you hopefully in the Summer (if we get one this year!!)


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Born at Malin Bridge, grew up in Dykes Hall Road, matured at Wadsley, put out to grass in North Lincs. As I prepare for my bus pass in a fortnight, sometimes I miss Sheffield, but when I think about it, I suppose it is mainly the people (family and friends) that I miss. But Sheffield has a lot going for it; you have the amenities of a big city while being within easy reach of the Peak District etc. Housing is affordable, Sheffield folk are friendly, the shops are quite good (for example, Hillsborough isn't as bad as some forummers claim) and there are very good sports facilities. As and when I sell my Wadsley bungalow (it's on the market) I'll be a permanent Lincolnshire resident and will be happy here. And in the long run, if anything prevented me from returning to Sheffield, it would be the traffic.

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You've had quite a few responses to your posting Paul, so I'm not sure mine will add any new insights. I grew up in Sheffield: Park, Stradbroke, then as a student moved around the city a bit. Moved to Canada in '69 because I'd graduated from Sheffield University and couldn't find a job in UK. Never intended to stay over here. Now, I can't see myself returning. I've had a very good career in Canada and recently retired from university teaching. Lived on the west coast of Canada (Vancouver), then the far east coast (Newfoundland), for the past 11 yrs on Prince Edward Island, Anne of Green Gables country. I love Canada. It's my home now. Do I miss Sheffield? Yes, but alas, the Sheffield I used to know is no longer there. I enjoy this Forum because it brings bk memories of the old days. I'll be visiting Sheffield later this year as I'm planning to start a writing project (better to call it that for now, as I'd rather not be presumptuous and call it a "book" at this early stage) based around my childhood. Cheers.



I was born in Meadowhead in 1929, left Meersbrook Bank School in 1943 and worked in the painting and Decorating business until I was called up for National Service. Tried to work at my old job but there was no work in winter so I re-enlisted and came out of the army in 1973. Settled in Wivenhoe,near Colchester for 14 years then built a boat and sailed down to Spain. Bought a flat in Benalmadena but sailed around the Med. in summer. Moved to the USA in 1994 Florida where I've been ever since. My wife and I bought an RV and traveled all over the east coast of USA and Canada, we met a Sheffield woman who was part owner of an R.V park in PEI. The bridge hadn't been built then but we knew it was well into planning stage but we went by ferry, it's a lovely island.


I can't say I've ever missed Sheffield, but I do miss Sheffielders, take it from a world traveller theres nowt wrong wi most Sheffielders. Some of the most gracious people I've met are the Chinese and the Omanis ( Oman) the worst were Saudis and Essex people.

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Yes :) I moved from Sheffield having been born there in 1947 I left and went to Rotherham :) in 1974 after 12 happy years in Rotherham and the ravages :mad: of the demise of the steel industry I felt I was forced out as an economic migrant to far off Derby where I have lived happily lived ever since.:D

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  • 2 years later...
Yes :) I moved from Sheffield having been born there in 1947 I left and went to Rotherham :) in 1974 after 12 happy years in Rotherham and the ravages :mad: of the demise of the steel industry I felt I was forced out as an economic migrant to far off Derby where I have lived happily lived ever since.:D



the only experience i've had of anyone leaving sheffield is the tales my brother in law would have to tell, to start he joined the army at 18 and spent the next 11/12 years all over the world, he was in borneo,yemen,kenya,singapore,australia.(his favourite was scuba diving in the south china sea) america, and this is where he lives now,

and he still says to this day, that we, in this country, weatherwise dont really know how lucky we are, like where he lives in nebraska, the summers are so hot, and the winters are so cold, the other year in winter nobody could go outdoors without a faceemask it was minus 30 degrees.

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I was born in Sheffield in 71, lived in New Zealand from 74 to 80 then back to Sheff where I lived untill 1998. I lived in Antibes in the South of France for 11 yrs then Australia for a year, and now living in the British Virgin Isles in the Caribbean.

I always pop back at least once a year to see Family and friends, but alas being away from the place so long and seeing every time I visit, the massive changes, its no longer 'Home'. Still though, great great memories

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can't wait to get out when I either win the lottery or retire. most of the people are lovely and I'll miss them but sheffield is not that hot. the council and veolia are a joke and the roads are lousy. What the victorians did for our drainage system, sheffield city council undid. hence the sheffield flood and the worst experience of my life:roll:

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I was dragged kicking and screaming out of Sheffield as a teenager in 1974. Since then I've lived all over the country but Sheffield is still home. For a long time memories made it too painful to return. But when I did return several years ago it was amazing. I must have homing pigeon genes. Sheffield had changed a lot, no hole in the road, supertrams, bus lanes, one way systems, blimey what a shock. However I was able to direct my OH from one side of Sheffield to the other never once getting lost. I would move back to Sheffield tomorrow if I could. Mind you I would probably try to pick a better area to live in than I grew up in.

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Born and bred in Sheffield in 1947 and left in 1978, since when I`ve lived in France and then for the last few years in Cornwall . I still have a great aunt in Sheffield , Ada Bell , she was 101 years old last week, love her ! When we visit , I feel at home and would love to move back but most of my family are now down here with me so I cant , miss the town and the people

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