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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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Was born in Sheffield and left when i was 12. Now live in Canada and my family says its the best thing we could have done. Live in a city called Canbridge which 60 miles from Tornto and even closer to Hamilton. Anyone want to chat send me an email.

Oh by the way left Sheffield in 1965.



I left Sheffield in 88 and live in Cambridge, Ontario too. Are you still in Cambridge?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello This is my first post. I was born in 1943 in Dunlop Street, my parents moved to the south coast to give us a 'better life' I wenr kicking and screaming in 1943 and returned every year until at the age of 16 I discovered boys but still returned every year foe a holiday. My husband and I now have retired to the Mayenne in France but, I am still a Yorkshire Lass, you just cannot take Sheffield out of the girl.


I was born Irene Richardson et 326 Dunlop Street my Mum was Joyce Haythorne and my Grandad George Haythorne. I would live to hear from any family or anyone who remembers us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Born in 1937, raised in lower manor near pipworth rd school. Joined the RAF in 1956 and was posted to Australia in 1957. Met and married the light of my life in1960, then returned to the UK that year. Finished in the RAF in 1968 and immediately made plans to return to Aus. Been living here ever since, and was certainly the best move I ever made. Recently we returned to Sheffield for a visit after an absence of 42 years. God, has the place changed, and unfortunately not for the better, got hopelessly lost the first day here with all the changes with one-way streets and no entries. Just looking the shops makes you wonder if you're still in Yorkshire. Unfortunately our trip was in summer so wasn't able to see the mighty Owls who I still follow with great interest and hope of their return to the top division. So other than following Wednesday, doing a spot of fishing and going to Leeds(I know, wash your mouth out) to watch the cricket, there's not much to draw me back again. Sorry to be wingeing pom, but I was disappointed with my birthplace.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I lived in Sheffield until I was 43 (twenty years ago) there I was divorced, child ready to fly the nest, when I met a lovely man from Suffolk. I moved to Ipswich, re married and then four years ago when we retired we moved just down the road to Felixstowe - I love it my little house by the sea! Until recently I came back to Sheffield every month to see my old mum(now 90) who now lives

in a nice care home on the next road to me. I still have friends in Sheffield and am amazed at how up market it is now - trendy cafes and restaurants and the great music and art scene. All in all though, I do love Suffolk and when I return on the A14 see the SUFFOLK sign and think 'great home at last'.

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My thoughts exactly, Sheffield was great growing up, not a place that I would want to be now. I miss the old Sheffield, I don;t miss to-days Sheffield.

I've worked all over the world and now live in Thailand for the past 16 years.


Hi Garthai - where are you based here? I am east of Pattaya. I hope you haven't been caught up in the ongoing floods.

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I moved away from Sheffield 15 months ago. Met a lovely man and moved to Scunthorpe. I'm very happy with my partner, but i can't wait to move back to Sheffield. We visit my mum and son often and then i have to come back here. Maybe home is where the heart is after all. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.



I know this is a very old thread, but the topic is timeless so thought I would post.


I have lots of relatives/friends who emigrated, non have regretted it and all stayed in their chosen countries.

Tanners, you are still here so maybe it is not for you?

One day I will move abroad, and my chosen place will be Ibiza. not for the wild party element, but for the beautiful relaxed lifestyle it offers. I don't think I could ever leave England and cut the cord completely, but to live there part time and have a flat here in my home town to come back to is my goal.

This could be a reality within about five years, but I prefer to take a bit longer and make sure I have thought it out properly.

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I know this is a very old thread, but the topic is timeless so thought I would post.


I have lots of relatives/friends who emigrated, non have regretted it and all stayed in their chosen countries.

Tanners, you are still here so maybe it is not for you?

One day I will move abroad, and my chosen place will be Ibiza. not for the wild party element, but for the beautiful relaxed lifestyle it offers. I don't think I could ever leave England and cut the cord completely, but to live there part time and have a flat here in my home town to come back to is my goal.

This could be a reality within about five years, but I prefer to take a bit longer and make sure I have thought it out properly.


Bet you are still here when the hearse comes:confused:

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