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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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Guest HappyShopper

I lived in Birmingham for 3 years. Sound place and despite the popular misconception, everyone didn't talk funny. Although the accent does get very strong when you venture out into the Black Country (think of Lenny Henry saying the word "Dudley"!)


I've known a few people who have left Sheffield, but they have all come back. This speaks volumes for Sheffield. I'm not knocking Liverpool, but I have met many Scousers and they all seemed pretty eager to leave Liverpool, they always bang on about how great Liverpool is and yet they have no desire to return to Liverpool!

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I left Sheffield a little over 20 years ago, when I was in my early twenties and rarely go back (I'm sorry to say). It's not that I don't want to, more lack of time. When I do, it is mostly to visit my mother who lives in Shiregreen.


I was born in Greenhill (Gervase Ave.), moved to Woodside/Pitsmoor at the age of 2 and finally lived in (Low) Wincobank before leaving Sheffield. I currently live in Edinburgh (and have done for most of the 20 odd years) with my wife (from Glasgow) and 2 kids. Edinburgh is, in some ways, similar to Sheffield and in others quite different. For starters, we also have 7 hills. The difference is that they are mostly not built on for various reasons (the cores of extinct volcanoes, for instance). Also, the quality of life (and the house prices!) is somewhat higher here.


Having said all that, I do have some fond memories of Sheffield and hope to share them as suitable discussion topics (and time) allow.

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Originally posted by HappyShopper

I'm not knocking Liverpool, but I have met many Scousers and they all seemed pretty eager to leave Liverpool, they always bang on about how great Liverpool is and yet they have no desire to return to Liverpool!


Well funnily enough, I left Sheffield in 1995 (after 27 years living there) and moved to Liverpool. While there are many things I love about Sheffield - it is my home city after all - I have no desire to move back.


Liverpool is brilliant - architecturally stunning, culturally alive, exciting and invigorating. I'm proud to have 2 sons who have been born here, and the sight of the Pierhead gives me goose bumps. Sheffield is blessed with an amazing landscape - the hills lend it wonderful qualities, but I find that it feels like a large town rather than a city. This is what many find attractive, but it's not for me any more.


So, always a Sheffielder of course, but I've got to be honest. These days it's Liverpool I love most.

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I lived in Sheffield from 1931 to 1950 when I emigrated to Canada.

Lived most of that time in Middlewood, attended Marlcliffe rd. elementary school and then High Storrs Grammer school 'til 1947 when I started an Engineering apprenticeship at Laycock Engineering in Millhouses, going to Night School 3 nights a week.

Fondly remember Saturday nights at either Nether Edge Hall or Brincliffe Oaks and the Tea dances at the City Hall and listening to records at Wilson Pecks on the pretext of deciding whether to buy or not.

Remember listening to Jimmy Edwards Variety Hour,Itma, and the Brass Band concerts midday on Saturdays on the radio.

Those were the good old days, long gone unfortunately.

John Hatch.

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  • 3 months later...

Was born in Sheffield and left when i was 12. Now live in Canada and my family says its the best thing we could have done. Live in a city called Canbridge which 60 miles from Tornto and even closer to Hamilton. Anyone want to chat send me an email.

Oh by the way left Sheffield in 1965.


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I once moved away from Sheffield and lived on the Isle of Man at a place called Castletown i was 11 at the time and i loved every minute living there. Sadly my parents had to move back to Sheffield :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

G'day !

I moved from Heeley, Sheffield to Queensland, Australia in 1981.

At the time I was 38 and was married with two sons aged 13 and 15 years. I, like you, didn't dislike my life over there, but I was feeling very restless. I figured if I pondered too long about making a move it would be too late and I didn't want to wind up regretting it for the rest of my life.

I must say, it was the best decision we ever made ! We all enjoy the lifestyle and I ventured down career roads I would never have thought possible when I lived in Sheffield. My sons have done well for themselves too.

Yes, there are things I miss, naturally. The social life of the pubs, decent fish and chips, Henderson's Relish and Thornton's Toffee.

But - there are so many wonderful things here to compensate for what I miss. We also have a good excuse to come back to Sheffield every now and again to visit family and get our fill of all the goodies we miss out on.

I wish you well !

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Originally posted by Cycleracer

I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.


After 45 yrs born & bred in Sheffield I decided to do something really drastic, Moved to Chesterfield!

It's cheaper, easier to get round,not as hilly, near countryside, less stress, and life generally is easier here, And I can still go to Sheffield if I want, which I don't.

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