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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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We moved to Scarborough in 2002 to retire, a small estate called Osgodby near Cayton Bay. It's the best move we ever made, the area is clean and easy access to town. We go back regularly to Sheffield to see kids, but when you have been away for a while you see things are getting very scruffy. Sheffield is unfortunatly on a downward spiral at the moment, great shame.

Lets hope things get better, we still have great fondness for the old place.

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Yes i know Osgoodby, I went through it on my bike on training ride to scarbrough a couple of years ago, and its a nice place.

Yes you are right Sheffield is a dirty place and though the council do have ambitious plans to modernise the place theres very little improvement.

Housing estates are certainly getting worse and the market area, well its best keeping away from.

Thanks everyone for your views, there all very interesting and its nice to see folk have left and found a better life.

My problem is the thought of having to find a job if i move, the sale of my house would secure accomadation but i still have to live.

We'll see what happens.:thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

yes mate,I moved away from Sheffield in 1968.I joined the R.A.F.I have seen Wales,Scotland and various units up and down England.It was the best move of my life.I married in 1969,got a service provided house just after and was never without a house,or wages.I paid my income tax on my wages[a conception some folk find hard to believe!]I saw 2 tours in Germany which were pretty good despite some locals efforts to make them otherwise.We had three youngsters ,who were dragged around from location to location but it definiteley broadened their minds!No inner city cliques for them!I saw 9 months in the sunny Maldive Islands free of charge,although my son was born while I was away and that was a hell of a drag.My apologies to all fervent Sheffielites,but I for one couldn't wait to get away and when I did it was magic.

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I left Sheffield a few years back. I've been around the UK (Manchester, London and Woking). I now live in the USA. I started out in LA and now live just north of San Diego.


I'll be back in Sheff during the summer (fingers crossed) with my American wife. She's never been out of the US before (except for Canada), so I'm looking forward to treating her to the delights of Castleton, Matlock Bath, Bakewell and so on.


I've not been home for a while, so it'll be interesting to see what's changed. I'm also looking forward to translating the Sheff accent for my wife..although, she's picked a bit of it up and can happily converse with my parents (just needs a bit of help understanding now and again). :)

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  • 3 months later...
Originally posted by Cycleracer

I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.


Hi Cycleracer,

I moved from sheffield in 1972 to the States, wasn`t my doing was only 13-14 at that time.

Dad found a better job, and with having 6 kids, a good paying job was what you needed.

We have stayed here, and although it is a nice country, Sheffield will always be in our hearts and we will never forget where we came from.

We never became citizens, for the fact of not wanting to turn our backs on our own country so there is pros and cons to everything.

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Hi there ! I was born and bred in Sheffield. Forster Road, Heeley in 1939 to be exact. Lived their until mid 50's when we moved to Crookes where my mam and dad managed a chippie, Moved back to Annes Road (same yard as the deaf and dumb cobbler) round about 1959. I married a girl from the Park district (Aston Street) and we moved to Sharrow Street. Emigrated to Canada from there in 1967 with my wife and 4 children. Best move I ever made although I do miss the old country now and again. Four children are all doing well. One lives in Vancouver. B.C. Another in Georgia U.S.A. Another in London, Ontario and one in Windsor, Ontario, where I live. I recently retired from Ford of Canada and we're having a great time. I was back in 1989 for a month but not since then. My wife has been back numerous times but not so often since both sets of parents have passed away. This country has given us a good life but there are problems mostly with taxation and a corrupt Federal Liberal Government. In summation though I think that my family is better off here rather than there.

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  • 1 month later...

hI there l was also born and bred in Sheffield,left there in 56 to hitchhike around the world,took us two years to get as far as N.Zealand and l was so taken with the place l decided to take roots hear. My parents thought l would be away for a couple of months but it was six years later before l made a trip back to dear old Sheffield. l've lived in N.Z. now for close on fifty years and never regretted it however l still miss Sheffield and my family

Hope to have a trip home for your summer next year, dont think l could stand a winter there now even though l would love to spend a Xmas at home Xmas's are not the same hear.

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My wife and I left Sheffield in 1991 to live in Nottingham, then Lydiate [near Liverpool] and now Southport. I go back regularly to see friends and relatives, and to support United. The city is still the landscape of my dreams. Regularly, I dream of walking down Fargate, roaming through Woolley Woods etc. Often long dead relatives, long lost schoolfriends appear in these nocturnal adventures. It is clear to me that Sheffield is imprinted on my soul, and I'm glad about that. I will always love the tough but kind people, the unmistakable accent, the landscape of the Don Valley and the ancient limestone blackened by soot. This afternoon, I wish I was there now.

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