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Have you moved away from Sheffield?

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Dear Britmum. Im sorry to say I don't think you'll recognise Sheffield as you remember it. It seems to change everytime I visit my Dad and I ony live in Chesterfield!!! Somethings have changed for the better, for example the Peace Gardens are a lot better now. But a lot of buildings are going up particulary motels for some reason, right in the center of town. I noticed one right next to where the ABC cinema used to be. Or if you emigrated earlier, Schofields. I must be getting old now I sound just like my Mum used to !!!

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went with the family to see the Blades/ Arsenal match. Not much of a football addict but must tell you the match was riveting. How the Blades didn't get through i will never know.A proud moment for the city.

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We treated our son for his 16th birthday in February and had a day in the directors box.He collected autographs from Nigel Spackman who was there doing work for sky sports and Phil Jagjelka and Michael Tonge. He won an autographed football as well for guessing the attendance at the match which was against Ipswich. A birthday to remember. Gwyneth.

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Moved from Sheffield in September last year. Now in Tonbridge in Kent. It is much like Bakewell being a small market town. Kent is a beautiful county and as we say here, it is an overcoat warmer than up north. Moving came easy to me as I served in the Royal Navy for many years and travelled most of the world. Sheffield will always be home and I miss it, but for a better way of life you cannot beat the sarf! There is one small problem, you can cut our accent with a knife when in conversation with the locals. I can honestly say, I will never return, only for a visit to friends. BTW it does help if you are over 60, the tug is not so hard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

left originally in 59 to join the RN as a fresh faced 16 year old.

returned in 70 on return to civvy street and bought a house on Richards Road, where my family and i stayed until 86 when all but our eldest lad relocated to nuneaton in warwickshire where "she who must be obeyed" and I still live, whilst the youngest lad moved to coventry when he married. The eldest still lives at hillsborough as does most of my relatives and though we visit fairly frequently to see the grandkids and enjoy a decent cheap pint, I would't come back to stay for a gold watch. This part of the UK is cleaner, more affluent and more peaceful. A very pleasant place to live and work. Not too close to Brum or any of the big cities. Nuneaton is about the same size as rotherham but a whole world away in every other respect.

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I was born in Sheffield and left in Oct. 1991 to live in a small village near Cologne in Germany. When I left Sheffield the only thing going for it was the new opening of Meadowhall! Over the years, during my frequent visits to family, I have seen many changes in Sheffield which makes me proud. It's improved so much since then and it's getting better. I just wish the council would tackle the roads and rubbish problem. Recently we went to the Ski Village and my eldest daughter had her first ski lesson, she's now looking forward to trying her skills on the propper stuff now in wintertime in the south of Germany.


Having said all that I don't know if I would be able to settle back in Sheffield. The weather is better here although the winters are colder the Summers are better.

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  • 11 months later...
I often get an urge to move away from Sheffield not because i don,t like it here but to broaden or change a life style i have been acustomed to for 43 years.

I would like to hear from anyone who has done that and where and what they are doing now.

I am a family man so stories from single people who have moved to Ibiza for a better nightlife and more birds is,nt relevant in my case.

Have you moved abroad or stayed in this country, Is it the best thing you ever did or can,t wait to get back to Sheffield.

All your stories would be welcome wether they are horror stories or pure bliss and any recomendations would also be adeared to.


I was actually born in Huddersfield but moved to Sheffield (Crosspool) in 1947. Went to Lydgate Lane, King Teds, then Barclays Bank. I found the prospect of being a Bank cashier round the Sheffield area for the next 42 years rather daunting. Felt I was missing out. Familiarity breeds contempt and all that. Also, I was a great day-dreamer and I think I had a touch of 'the grass is greener' syndrome. I left to be a lock-keeper, living in Goring-on-Thames. Then a milkman, living in Henley. A barman in Beer, a milkman in Axminster, a meat roundsman in Beer. Then I wrote my car off, nearly killed myself and was glad to come back to Ma and Pa in Sheffield to recuperate. For some unknown reason, I was determined to return to the South West and got a job in a Building Society in Plymouth.Got fed up and left to work for a bakery delivering bread round Tavistock.Tried selling insurance.Failed. Gave up.Wanderlust gone.Back to the rat race:computer operator in Solly Street, Sheffield, then programming for Shepcote Lane Rolling Mills.Married.My job took me to Grimsby, Preston and Bebington on the Wirral. I've married again and live in Hawarden, North Wales. I can happily live anywhere given the right circumstances.I found Southerners OK. Some were unsociable, stuck up etc but best to ignore them.I could write a book on my experiences.To summarise, I enjoyed Sheffield very much, fancied a change which I enjoyed but was glad to go back when I'd sorted myself out. Still have mates there. We meet up regularly going to the races at Chester, York, Haydock.I enjoy our reunions. Its nice to mix with people who can talk properly. Hope this is of interest to you Mr Cycleracer and hasn't bored you to tears. Mike

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