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2015- July Budget

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Given that the government got in on the back of the OAP vote, abolishing the state pension is the one welfare cut that will not be undertaken by the Tories.


The government kicks the young because the young don't vote in any great number. It makes for bad policy but that's the way things are in this country.


My kids are working and young, they aren't being kicked, the amount of tax they pay annoys them when they see others their age being given loads of money for doing nothing other than breeding. Most people will also one day reach pension age and benefit from the state pension.

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working tax should be removed completely, as has been said, it's the government allowing low wages from business.


However reducing benefits just to make those working feel they get more (which in reality they wont, sorry but you will still be in the same boat) is an amazing act of deceit.


With the rise in energy costs, the living wage will be the new minimum wage come 2020, so again no benefit to the workers whatsoever.


So there you go, tread people into the dirt, make yourself feel better and hope that your company increases the wage, otherwise you just made your own bed.


Glad to see it's not a welfare only attack this time however, wonder how many conservatives saw that coming.

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And the (not so rare) occasion where someone loses there job long after they have 3 children. Or do you suppose that they can put one back where it came from if that comes to pass?



Provision will always be there for such an eventuality. No one would begrudge supporting people in that scenario.

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We might have the first baby boom in multiple generations. We are still in a 44 year long baby bust as the TFR fell below 2.1 in 1971 and has never recovered. People have until the end of next Summer to **** for the UK Universal Credit for two plus children (FFTUKUCFTPC for short).

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Maybe off topic but does anyone have data for the current birth rate and more interestingly the birth rate for whites?


I ask but I over heard a converstation and someone said that the white race is actually in decline in birth rates?


Apparently that is the case all over Europe. If it wasn't for the immigrants having children, goodness knows who would pay for our future state pensions. We depend and need the children of immigrants.

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You'd like to live in George Orwells 1982, a massively authoritarian fascist state.

I bet you wouldn't really, not when they wielded that power over you in some way you didn't like.



The book you should be referencing is Brave New World anyway.


Although he was quite obviously joking.

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I am in full agreement. How can it be right, someone on benefits earning more than someone working full time?


Why should a soldier have to go through regular drug testing to keep their job, when certain wasters on the dole don't, but still get our money?


Off Facebook and bang on the button.

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