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2015- July Budget

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Its a crafty way of selling off more social housing.... those tenancies with income of £30,000 will have to start paying market rents... that will be quite a lot of people with two or even more people in the property working... they'll all take the 50% discount and buy the property. They'd be daft not to.

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It is 20% above average?


---------- Post added 08-07-2015 at 22:08 ----------



I think it is about 1.7 for Whites in the UK. Has been below 2.1 (replacement rate) for 44 years. Were it not for immigration, our population would be falling.


Birth rates are falling across the world.


Normal people are happy with low to moderate immigration which would give us a fairly static population. It is the huge amount of unwelcome immigration we have had in the last 20 or so years that is the problem for many of us. And indeed for Great Britain.

Great for the immigrants of course, they have done rather well out of us.

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Great for the immigrants of course, they have done rather well out of us.


and great for Big Business, who have access to a plentiful supply of cheap labour.


And great for the landlords that exploit the immigrants, too. . . Although not for much longer.

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It is 20% above average?


So now we are calling 20% above average - a whole 4 grand - as being high income. That's a household income that is 20% above the average salary by the way.


My own household income is well in the 40-50k bracket and I still wouldn't consider myself as having a high income, unless we are going to start making up names for other income brackets to account for the left's definitions of income creeping ever lower; 'higher income', 'super high income', 'poor people clean my boots income' etc.


It's just another way of trying to label low earners as this new 'lower working class' rubbish. We're all working class.

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As with all budgets, the devil's in the detail....


Very clever of George Osborne to announce a budget that's so complex with regards to giving with one hand and taking with the other, that no one seems to know whether they'll be better off or worse off or by how much. So nobody knows whether to complain or not. So no moral outrage - yet...


Let's see what tomorrow's papers come up with, with regards to analysis, sample cases of how it affects various family scenarios etc. before we make a judgement. Then let's see if it does the job as it's supposed to. Will it succeed in clamping down on tax evasion and avoidance? (yes, both terms were used...) Will it leave people with enough to live on? Haven't seen much comment about social housing rents going up to market prices, but I may have misheard.


We'll see....

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I'm surprised that there is no mention of the cut to the maintenance grant which supports young people from low income families when they enter higher education. I know they don't have to pay off the loan until they are earning above the national average but I would think that this additional debt would put some people off.


These young people are the future scientists, architects, engineers. shouldn't we be investing in our future instead of saddling them with huge amounts of debt so early on in life?

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