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Private security masquerading as police

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What were they protesting about anyhow do we know?


I only watched about 2/3 of the video, but I've seen it before, I thought it was something to do with fracking. Could be wrong though...


It looked to me like the cops wanted to clear the area, so the fracking or whatever, could go ahead; and they were okay with making up any false pretext up and false claims re: what the protesters said, in order to harass and get them out of the way.


Totally shoddy. Just gives the impressing, they don't exist to serve justice and look after the peace etc, they exist to serve the interest of business. Maybe I'm cynical, I just feel that's how things are these days...

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Anyway, I'm just curious about one specific point in the video, what is the legal ststus of 'detained'? Is that some kind of half-way state between non-arrested and arrested?


Excellent question.


But be careful that sounds awfully like you have been woken up and started thinking out loud.


And that may not necessarily be a good thing.


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Ah OK, so the one doing the bullying and lying was an inspector? He invented lies actually on camera.


He needs to be sacked. His behaviour was an utter disgrace.


I've seen the the Met behave like this all the time, its standard practice. The Met (and unfortunately maybe other Police constabularies) are not here to serve us the general public, they are here to serve corporations, and control you.


Here's one of many examples......


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I've seen the the Met behave like this all the time, its standard practice. The Met (and unfortunately maybe other Police constabularies) are not here to serve us the general public, they are here to serve corporations, and control you.


Here's one of many examples......



Well that was a load of ******. Even the idiot filming didn't have a clue what was going on.

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Well that was a load of ******. Even the idiot filming didn't have a clue what was going on.


You can see exactly whats going off. The bailiffs had no warrant and with aid of The Met they blatantly stole a car from a vulnerable old man with a severe heart condition. It is heart breaking, or masturbation material if you're bullying psychopathic type racist. Several laws broken by the very people who're supposed to be there to uphold the law.

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You can see exactly whats going off. The bailiffs had no warrant and with aid of The Met they blatantly stole a car from a vulnerable old man with a severe heart condition. It is heart breaking, or masturbation material if you're bullying psychopathic type racist. Several laws broken by the very people who're supposed to be there to uphold the law.


You have no knowledge as to whether they were bailiffs or not, whether they had any court order or not, whether they were legal owners of the vehicle or not, whether the man in glasses was ill or not ......

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You can see exactly whats going off. The bailiffs had no warrant and with aid of The Met they blatantly stole a car from a vulnerable old man with a severe heart condition. It is heart breaking, or masturbation material if you're bullying psychopathic type racist. Several laws broken by the very people who're supposed to be there to uphold the law.


Talking out of your arse mate. You don't know what is going on any more than the person filming it. How can you?

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