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Trackers covering company vehicles

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going on from the Rotherham taxi drivers with the cctv scenario, how do employees feel when driving company vehicles. is this another big brother watching over employees type scenario. has any employees had their wages docked because of finishing early? are these a good or bad thing for employees ? any comments for or against

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From a manager's perspective (although my staff don't drive in their role), if they aren't skiving, why worry about it? Same as why my staff shouldn't worry if I monitor what websites they visit during working hours.


re: websites, where do you draw the line ?

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re: websites, where do you draw the line ?


Well, IF it is in working hours, I suppose work related sites only. When I was working, I didn't have time to go trawling the web unless it was for work related info, but where we went during breaks was up to us (although IIRC the IT bods restricted some sites). To be honest, if I was on a break, I was out of the office, so it didn't matter.

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