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Is it ok to walk in London with an "ISIS" flag?

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Disgusting it may well be. However, Is it any more "offensive" or "illegal" than some of the contents of the flags, posters and banners that were being wafted around by the Knuckle Draggers in central Sheffield yesterday.


What about some of the rude, offensive and hate filled slogans plastered all over the place every time a set of rent-a-gobs hold one of their anti-austerity protests


Its a flag. A piece of material. Whether or not it is allegedly showing support for a non legitimate terrorist created "state" the man is doing nothing other than walking through a street. He is not preaching to other people around him. He is not waving the flag in some form of protest. He is not being threatening or aggressive to people around him. He is simply walking through a street. That is not illegal.


It seems to me that the Mirror and (not surprising) the Daily Fail are making such an issue of this "story" simply to get internet hits and fuel their standard OUTRAGE.


They need to watch themselves, its only a couple of days ago they were having a pop at CNN for doing something similar... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3142221/CNN-confuses-black-white-flag-covered-sex-toy-symbols-ISIS-London-gay-pride-parade.html

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I know we are a democracy and a tolerant country but surely this is letting someone take the **** if indeed it is an ISIS flag.



Its only a terrorist flag because our Government and other Governments say so and lets be honest, neither us nor our allies have got clean hands. I mean, who the hell are we to say anything, we are one of the biggest exporters of death and misery in the world. The biggest exporter of terror being our lords and masters the american government.


---------- Post added 05-07-2015 at 19:40 ----------


"Is it ok to walk in London with an "ISIS" flag?"





Did he hurt anyone? Did he behead or maim anyone?

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In answer to the title of the thread - Is it ok to walk in London with an "ISIS" flag? No, and I don't think that many would think otherwise. However, should he be stopped from walking down the road with the flag, that is more debatable.


Fascists were allowed to make their point and display their symbols prior and after WW2, and Communists were never stopped from displaying their symbols during the Cold war.


So even though we may despise the political message that the individual was making, it shouldn't be illegal to make that message.

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Its only a terrorist flag because our Government and other Governments say so and lets be honest, neither us nor our allies have got clean hands. I mean, who the hell are we to say anything, we are one of the biggest exporters of death and misery in the world. The biggest exporter of terror being our lords and masters the american government.


---------- Post added 05-07-2015 at 19:40 ----------


Did he hurt anyone? Did he behead or maim anyone?



No, but no doubt he backs them in what they do. Where are our SAS when they are needed.




---------- Post added 05-07-2015 at 19:50 ----------


I would love to send ISIS a little boy, and then a fat boy as a present.



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