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Is it ok to walk in London with an "ISIS" flag?

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It's just a flag with some Islamic symbols and the message, God's messenger Mohammed written on it, not much to get excited about, he might be expressing his faith or he might be attempting to cause offense which he can only do if you allow it to bother you.

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No, but no doubt he backs them in what they do. Where are our SAS when they are needed.




In Syria calling locations for air strikes for American drones and manned planes. Air strikes in which civilians could (as Churchill once said, When we bomb, Germany ducks, When Germany bombs we duck, When America bombs everybody ducks) die but then hey, our boys in the SAS are heroes Gawd bless em.

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They do. That's why the Police officer interviewed confirmed that the stop would not be logged on any police records and also commented that "...he had never come across an officer asking someone to remove an England flag from their car because it could be racist...."


Sounds like the person who stopped our innocent motorist was just one off jobsworth copper rather than any normal routine.


Another non story which the fine old Johnson Press have blown into typical sad face photo accompanied article just to desperately fill one of the dying printed local papers.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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In regards to the isis flag guy,i personally find it offensive and very likely to incite a breach of the peace and cause unrest.

Flying the British union flag or St Georges cross in any part of Britain cant be an offence.

What i also find offensive are all the wishy washy types who defend the isis flag bloke, youre all part of the ultra pc problem this country is in, youll not realise the damage youre doing till its too late.

Im all for free speach as i can choose to not listen, i cant choose to not see something though.

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