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Is it ok to walk in London with an "ISIS" flag?

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The person should have been given an earlier than anticipated in troduction to his/her god.


Oh dear! Suggesting he should have been killed makes you as bad as ISIS.

Hypocrite! :rolleyes:

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So the police stopped him and he spun them a load of tosh about how its not an isis flag and was around before isis even existed and for fear of being labelled "racist" by him they just let him on his way.


Lets imagine hes a white guy with short cropped hair draped in a swastika shall we.

White guy explains to the police that the swastika was a peacefull symbol through the ages and way before the germans adopted it for their own ends!

Do the police let him go on his way too?

I know what i think would happen, theyd remove it from him and he would be arrested or charged with an offence.

The white guy cant accuse them of racism can he so they have nothing to fear by arresting him.

This is the problem that partly facilitated the uk grooming gangs and its needs to stop.

Im all for equality as long as its just that,equal.

Unfortunately its not for some reason because the fear of being labelled a racist is so strong.


A change is needed.

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The flag doesn't belong to ISIS, they have hijacked it just the same as the far right have hijacked the union flag, an interesting article here about it= http://www.onislam.net/english/news/asia-pacific/477313-isil-hijacked-islamic-flag-ku-klux-klan-cross.html


My reading agrees. In that case it will be necessary to determine the man's intent before we can say whether he's broken the law.

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So the police stopped him and he spun them a load of tosh about how its not an isis flag and was around before isis even existed and for fear of being labelled "racist" by him they just let him on his way.


Lets imagine hes a white guy with short cropped hair draped in a swastika shall we.

White guy explains to the police that the swastika was a peacefull symbol through the ages and way before the germans adopted it for their own ends!

Do the police let him go on his way too?

I know what i think would happen, theyd remove it from him and he would be arrested or charged with an offence.

The white guy cant accuse them of racism can he so they have nothing to fear by arresting him.

This is the problem that partly facilitated the uk grooming gangs and its needs to stop.

Im all for equality as long as its just that,equal.

Unfortunately its not for some reason because the fear of being labelled a racist is so strong.


A change is needed.


An offence of what exactly?

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Maybe it isn't as clear cut as you think. Link


Who'd have thought that you might over-simplify things? :rolleyes:


It's interesting that the article suggest that maybe the the bloke wasn't arrested under the public order act because he wasn't causing any public disorder at the time, and the controversy has only come to the fore on social media after the event.

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Oh dear! Suggesting he should have been killed makes you as bad as ISIS.

Hypocrite! :rolleyes:

Not until I'd passed the umpteen thousand mark.

BTW how many have muslim terrorists killed today, yesterday, last week.


---------- Post added 06-07-2015 at 18:27 ----------


Would that be by you, or someone to do it for you?

I'd have no qualms, that's what I was trained to do.

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I think the problem you should have and the arguement you should be having is with your muslim brothers then for hijacking the flag and giving it its negative image now.

Theres no positive spin can be given to it im afraid, isis have claimed it and it now is seen worldwide as a representation of them.


Just like the swastika has negative connotations now despite its origin as a peacefull symbol.


The Union flag however is this nations flag and no matter who tries to adopt it it belongs to the nation and its people.

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I think the problem you should have and the arguement you should be having is with your muslim brothers then for hijacking the flag and giving it its negative image now.

Theres no positive spin can be given to it im afraid, isis have claimed it and it now is seen worldwide as a representation of them.


Just like the swastika has negative connotations now despite its origin as a peacefull symbol.


The Union flag however is this nations flag and no matter who tries to adopt it it belongs to the nation and its people.

Very well put.

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