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Virgin mobile problems

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Virgin mobile. What a shame, it started so well.

Then the Iphone they sent me tried to kill me, well ok it didnt but it was getting dangerously hot so i sent it back. All good and no problems. Id lost confidence in the Iphone so asked for a MotoG instead they sent it. However they kept me on the Iphone tariff (£6pm more) and no matter how many times i told them they never seemed to get round to adjusting it so im paying the correct amount.

Then the Moto G developed a fault, then another then another and as its on contract i figured it would be no problem getting it swapped. So i rang Virgin who said they would look into it and get back to me. They didnt. Anyway after several calls over several weeks and the weeks stretching into months the phone finally became totally unusable so i contacted Virgin again who the decided to tell me that my IMEI number is wrong and they still have me down as having an Iphone despite looking on my account and seeing where i called and the phone was swapped. So after more calls to more people i was finally told id have to wait for the system to update and the correct IMEI number to be applied to my account. This was intensely frustrating but i waited until today, the day of destiny, the day they fix their problem.

Ahhhhhhh, well actually no, Virgin have screwed up once again and im still stuck without a phone so i decided to bin the contract (still over a year to run) and i wont be paying them squat for leaving them either no matter how much they think otherwise.

Seriously, Virgin have been the pits with me. Great package when it works, Shocking in almost every respect when things go wrong!

Rant over!

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