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Were the moon landings fake?

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Wouldn't the USSR then tell the world that the USA faked it?





For 40 odd years the only media the west will have been exposed to (except foreign travellers of course) will have been western media outlets, certeainly not Russian.

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I got a shock when the footage of a moon buggy driving around the moon was shown at a different speed. It looked awfully like one being driven around on the earth.


So I think some of the photos were faked, yes, but that they did land on the moon.


Surely it should be easy enough to prove, because various bits of US space hardware should still be lying around on the moon's surface?


They are.

You can see them with a good enough telescope.

There's even a mirror up there that people bounce lasers off to measure how far away the moon is.


What should a buggy on the moon look like?

There's no hint of evidence that anything was faked.

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What does that even mean?

Are you going to answer my question: What elements were faked?


Something I always wondered about is who/what filmed the capsule thingy blasting off FROM the moon?

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Done to death topic...


But, If you can conclude that the landings were fake then it must be just as simple to conclude the Russians and Americans were in cahoots and the whole space race was a fake, and Laika was a Disney production.

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For 40 odd years the only media the west will have been exposed to (except foreign travellers of course) will have been western media outlets, certeainly not Russian.


Do you mean, apart from Radio Moscow, which was the Soviet equivalent of the World Service? As a kid, I used to pick it up on shortwave.


Something I always wondered about is who/what filmed the capsule thingy blasting off FROM the moon?


Tiny Clanger, of course.

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For 40 odd years the only media the west will have been exposed to (except foreign travellers of course) will have been western media outlets, certeainly not Russian.


So you believe that the USSR would not have been unable to let out secret?

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For 40 odd years the only media the west will have been exposed to (except foreign travellers of course) will have been western media outlets, certeainly not Russian.


At the time of the moon landings a lot of the world was under communist control. Not just the Soviet Union but parts of east and central Europe, Asia and Cuba. Not just that but the Soviet Union had a lot of influence in Africa and even in western Europe. There were communist parties in all western democracies, some very pro-Soviet. Some trades unions were run by communists. The Scottish TUC was virtually a satellite of the Kremlin. And there was - and still is - the Morning Star, not to mention a lot of British spies who went to Cambridge and subsequently gave British secrets to the Kremlin.


The idea that the Soviet Union couldn't have disseminated propaganda outside its own borders is laughable.

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OK... I'll bite. But just on the grounds that the probability of most things is unlikely to be 'zero'. The same scientists that claim the moon landings are real are also in the process of conducting an experiment to find out if our entire existence is, in fact, real...




I can't argue with that, but I'm fascinated by your second proposition. - That's got to be worthy of a future thread...

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