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Were the moon landings fake?

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Nowhere on earth is "upside down" of course, "up and down" are all a local perspective, but Imagine if you will that you're in space and you're looking back at earth and you can see the top and bottom of it, from that perspective, the land mass at the bottom/underside of this "globe" would have to be upside down surely.


Is the "top" the North or South pole?

Is it somewhere on the equator?

Is it a random place?

Is the "top" you see, the "bottom" as seen by your co-pilot ?


You the observer may be happy with "top" and "bottom" but it is a meaningless term to everybody else in the Universe except to the person sharing your sofa.

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Is the "top" the North or South pole?

Is it somewhere on the equator?

Is it a random place?

Is the "top" you see, the "bottom" as seen by your co-pilot ?


You the observer may be happy with "top" and "bottom" but it is a meaningless term to everybody else in the Universe except to the person sharing your sofa.


Imagine looking at the moon in the sky from the vantage point of your back garden; The top of it is the, er....bit at the top, and bottom is the bit at the bottom as you're looking at it. Now, the landmass on the underside of it, as you're looking at it, from your perspective, should be upside down, no?

I appreciate that the "top" and "bottom" of it depends of the vantage point of the viewer, but nevertheless there IS a top and bottom for any viewer, and the land mass at the bottom, or underside of it from the perspective of the viewer should be upside down I would have thought.

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I agree that I would probably think that an inverted toy globe would look "upside down" and that the Sun, Moon and stars appear to go round me! That the shortest route from MAN to Florida is a straight line over the wholly over the ocean and how surprised I was to be over Nova Scotia in Canada. But I don't get the Moon "upside down" bit- maybe because its less familiar.


We probably grow up trying to explain what we see, which is why we see things differently- but at least we agree that it's not flat.


Just an oddity but I have been the butt of many a ribbing because I don't do turquoise- it's green! There is no equivalent word in the language I grew up and I still can't isolate it as a colour.

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  • 7 months later...
The USSR would have monitored every centimetre of the journey, and would have loved to have got one over on the USA. So for that reason only I am absolutely certain that it was not faked.


They did a deal. Russia would keep quiet about Americas space lies if the US didn't say anything about the faked Mars landings and all the Russian astronauts who died in space before Gagarin.

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They did a deal. Russia would keep quiet about Americas space lies if the US didn't say anything about the faked Mars landings and all the Russian astronauts who died in space before Gagarin.


You’ve more faith in both nations security services than I have.

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