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Were the moon landings fake?

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38 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:



I posted the other day that the resurgence of conspiracy discussions on mainstream forums seems to be an unintended feature of the post-Trump, post-Brexit phenomenon but for some reason the post was deleted without explaination.


I did.  And it was.  I thought deleting the comment was a bit weird, until I realised that Sheffield Forum is of course controlled by the illuminati and that most of the mods are shape-shifting lizards under the control of the global corporations.


And stuff.




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You joke, but at least one poster on this forum has defended the crank anti-semite David Icke in the past few days. Paranoia is a very compelling human emotion and is very easy to instil in those without the capacity for rational investigation of a claim.


The strapline 'The TRUTH they don't want you to hear!!!' on a website, is almost aways an indication that what you are about to view is a concoction of badly put together half truths, lies and fake news aimed at those who find it easier to believe something which chimes with their particular world view than risk the possibility that it may be wrong. Being told that they are right but the 'authorities' are conspiring to keep the truth from them is not only very comforting, but saves them the intellectual rigour of trying to find out for themselves.

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23 hours ago, MAC33 said:

On topic - do you believe NASA has ever gave us fake images instead of real unaltered photos?


All their pics of the earth from the ISS are clearly fake.

Why are the fake? Whats so clear about them?

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Just now, geared said:

and why would NASA fake pictures of the earth taken from the ISS??



This is a very good question, and one thing I never understand about some of these conspiracy theories.  Why would NASA fake the moon landing - to what end?  And why would those who control the world - lizards, jews, the illuminati  . . whatever - want to convince us the world is round and not flat.  What possible advantage is there in that for them?


It's all so very sad and weird.



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3 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

I posted the other day that the resurgence of conspiracy discussions on mainstream forums seems to be an unintended feature of the post-Trump, post-Brexit phenomenon but for some reason the post was deleted without explaination.



To be fair to MAC33 he was posting conspiracy twaddle well before Trump and Brexit - the high point for conspiracy fruitcake on SF was probably 2010 -2013. Can't say I've seen a resurgence of conspiracy "discussions" on SF in the last few years.

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51 minutes ago, Longcol said:

To be fair to MAC33 he was posting conspiracy twaddle well before Trump and Brexit - the high point for conspiracy fruitcake on SF was probably 2010 -2013. Can't say I've seen a resurgence of conspiracy "discussions" on SF in the last few years.

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying conspiracy twaddle didn't exist before Trump and Brexit, I am saying that it had retreated to its own little corner of the internet where conspiraloons could debate the finer points of their favourite evidence-free conspiracy theories without bothering the rest of us. 


They have now come back into the mainstream on the back of populist alt-right cranks like Alex Jones and Steve Bannen. There is also a lot of cross pollination between alt and far right websites and the lizards, antisemitic and Protocols wing of the conspiraloon world, who feed off each others' lunacy.



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24 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You misunderstand me. I'm not saying conspiracy twaddle didn't exist before Trump and Brexit, I am saying that it had retreated to its own little corner of the internet where conspiraloons could debate the finer points of their favourite evidence-free conspiracy theories without bothering the rest of us. 


They have now come back into the mainstream on the back of populist alt-right cranks like Alex Jones and Steve Bannen. There is also a lot of cross pollination between alt and far right websites and the lizards, antisemitic and Protocols wing of the conspiraloon world, who feed off each others' lunacy.



LOL i read that as Aled Jones



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