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Were the moon landings fake?

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Course it was all a fake. I have it in good authority from a member of the SF who shall remain anonymous.


The actual scenario was filmed at Elstree studios in London. Not even real astronauts were used. Only their names.


Buzz Aldrin Played by Sid James


Neil Armstrong Played by Barbara Windsor


Michael Collins Played by Charles Hawtree



Discussions of a serious nature only in response please


If there was a Carry On Space they would have gone to Uranus, surely.

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I don't doubt we as a race have landed on the moon, but I feel that the images we saw 'live' were fake, and as a result all archive images/videos.


The reason for this, is I think that NASA made such a big deal of it (although Russia had already sent someone up and around the moon) that the COULDN'T fail....


So, comes along July 20th 1969, and there's a problem.... something goes wrong, but the whole world is watching..... cue the backup plan of some actors and a set.... etc...


.... can't prove it, but this is my feelings. :)

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I don't doubt we as a race have landed on the moon, but I feel that the images we saw 'live' were fake, and as a result all archive images/videos.


The reason for this, is I think that NASA made such a big deal of it (although Russia had already sent someone up and around the moon) that the COULDN'T fail....


So, comes along July 20th 1969, and there's a problem.... something goes wrong, but the whole world is watching..... cue the backup plan of some actors and a set.... etc...


.... can't prove it, but this is my feelings. :)

dint you see my video made by a film maker? he says it was more impossible to fake it in 69 than it was to actually go there Oo

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dint you see my video made by a film maker? he says it was more impossible to fake it in 69 than it was to actually go there Oo


Nah, I don't believe that.... there's video's of the training that look very similar (even low grav training)


it could have been faked, not saying it was..... I should have clarified in my post above, i'm not saying that's what I believe, but it's one scenario that MAY have happened which has caused all this shouting 'it's fake'...


The flag waving for example, no it wouldn't droop because there's no gravity, but it wouldn't have waved as though it was being blown, it would have been more like a pliable rubber or something...

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Nah, I don't believe that.... there's video's of the training that look very similar (even low grav training)


it could have been faked, not saying it was..... I should have clarified in my post above, i'm not saying that's what I believe, but it's one scenario that MAY have happened which has caused all this shouting 'it's fake'...


The flag waving for example, no it wouldn't droop because there's no gravity, but it wouldn't have waved as though it was being blown, it would have been more like a pliable rubber or something...



This playlist from the good people at Mythbusters should answer your questions.

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Course it was all a fake. I have it in good authority from a member of the SF who shall remain anonymous.


The actual scenario was filmed at Elstree studios in London. Not even real astronauts were used. Only their names.


Buzz Aldrin Played by Sid James


Neil Armstrong Played by Barbara Windsor


Michael Collins Played by Charles Hawtree



Discussions of a serious nature only in response please

Think of how all that fantastic stuff at the KSC was made just for conspiracy. Some of these wunderkinder should take a day off being drunk for a fortnight at DisneyWorld and go visit. It's on the Space Coast near Daytona
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Did you not hear about the famous coca-cola bottle that was rolled across the screen by a whistle-blower, in the hope that people would pick up on all these anomalies later?

They stated in Western Australia that they were going 'live' to the moon where Armstrong and Aldrin were walking about, when all of a sudden a coca-cola bottle was spotted rolling in the corner of the screen. That evening on the main news, it was deliberately cut out of the highlights, BUT was reported in the newspaper the next day with others commenting on what they saw.

The newspaper then received a phone call from the American Embassy, and the subject was never written about in that newspaper again!

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Think of how all that fantastic stuff at the KSC was made just for conspiracy. Some of these wunderkinder should take a day off being drunk for a fortnight at DisneyWorld and go visit. It's on the Space Coast near Daytona


is daytona the beach where they all get their tits out?


erm i mean

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