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Were the moon landings fake?

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The lighting comment was in relation to the shadows. Listen it is 2015 and we cant even get a sat nav to successfully get us to our intended destination. And you think we got man to the moon with technology that at the time was the equivalent to an 80s calculator.

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We have technology 11 years into the future ( 80s calculator ) 11 years into the future technology a calculator! we have the power to put man on the moon. UhHu.


I don't understand the point that you're making. What technology was the equivalent of a calculator and is this relevant to whether we did it or not?

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Between typing on this 11 year into the future technology, between typing the words Boobs using numbers and looking at it upside-down they calculated putting man on the moon all from a calculator. Amazing!


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 22:49 ----------


Simple answer is this In 69 the only technology we had was almost zero. However after supposedly spending billions on research they came up with technology that had the equivalent of an 80s calculator. 11 years before we could take one to school. Do you think that could calculate and put man on the moon?

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The lighting comment was in relation to the shadows. Listen it is 2015 and we cant even get a sat nav to successfully get us to our intended destination. And you think we got man to the moon with technology that at the time was the equivalent to an 80s calculator.


Actually the Apollo mission computers were astoundingly quick, for the job they had to do, and triply redundant. Less powerful than your smartphone in terms of GigaFlops, much more reliable.


Contrary to popular understanding, rocket science is actually remarkably simple compared to flying through air and having to balance four forces the whole time, instead of just one or two as with spaceflight.


Hence the phrase, used to describe something blindingly simple - "it's not computational fluid dynamics".


Once you get your head around orbital mechanics, you'll see that sending something to the moon and back, whilst complex in its detail (mainly owing to the necessity of life support), is actually a bagatelle compared to, say, landing a probe on Mars or Venus.


Put the moon landings in the context of the USA/USSR space race and it really doesn't seem out of place or anomalous. Greater things were being achieved less obviously well before 1969.


If you can come up with a single, undebunked, piece of evidence than would cast doubt upon the moon landings, then post it here - not links, or other people saying stuff, but examples and elucidation in your own words, then there's a discussion to be had.


Otherwise, stop wasting your time. You could be usefully earching the skies for Nibiru and the FSM, both due to arrive any time soon.

Edited by Phanerothyme
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Guest sibon
Between typing on this 11 year into the future technology, between typing the words Boobs using numbers and looking at it upside-down they calculated putting man on the moon all from a calculator. Amazing!


---------- Post added 11-07-2015 at 22:49 ----------


Simple answer is this In 69 the only technology we had was almost zero. However after supposedly spending billions on research they came up with technology that had the equivalent of an 80s calculator. 11 years before we could take one to school. Do you think that could calculate and put man on the moon?


There are plenty of people who could do those calculations with a pen, paper and some log tables.


You really shouldn't judge everybody by your own, low standards.

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So what we have is little to no understanding of space. But a calculator had all the answers to land man on the moon. As I say a modern 2015 device makes a mess of things and has far advanced technology. Never mind calculating the unknown.

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So what we have is little to no understanding of space. But a calculator had all the answers to land man on the moon. As I say a modern 2015 device makes a mess of things and has far advanced technology. Never mind calculating the unknown.

Unfortunately the opening between your mind and the universe is such a miniscule pinhole, it is futile to attempt to try and push even the smallest grain of understanding through it. However, it's possible we all learn something from it by trying, so for that I thank you.

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The lighting comment was in relation to the shadows. Listen it is 2015 and we cant even get a sat nav to successfully get us to our intended destination. And you think we got man to the moon with technology that at the time was the equivalent to an 80s calculator.


I take it you know nothing about computer programming or computers in general. The programming and logic involved would have been created with one requirement; to get to the moon and back. It would have been written to be as efficient as possible. Unlike your sat nav analogy, it didn't have to worry about roads or speed cameras, just what the speed and trajectory was.


Is this thing fake too? They used it for nuclear missile guidance, not dissimilar to space rockets.




Edit: the year after the Moon landings, ARPANET was created and so was Shakey, the first machine with artificial intelligence.

Edited by the_bloke
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