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What effect has greece had on your decision to leave euro?

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Surely a continent's land-mass areas have to be contiguous?


Yeah, maybe. In that case we should invite South Africa and China to join the EU. Or maybe we should just continue to use the definition that most people have used since the 8th century, if not all the way back to Herodotus.

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Why not? It was contiguous when I last checked.

I've looked today again at http://denmark.dk/en/quick-facts/map-of-denmark/ and- yes- its southern boundary is with Germany.


Only half of it.


Or do you count bridges (like the one at Middelfart) to contribute to a landmass? If so, why don't tunnels count too?


(I'll be honest - the previous paragraph was mostly an excuse to type "Middelfart")

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I count an island as land surrounded by water. Don't you?


But- back on topic- maybe now might have been a good time to go to Greece on holiday. With £ sterling very strong against the Euro, I guess that UK visitors would be most welcomed. But what if the food runs out, and what if the hospitals are not re-stocked? No, on second thoughts, don't go there.

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I count an island as land surrounded by water. Don't you?


Yes, but we're talking about a continent, not an island. What's your basis for claiming that Denmark is contiguously attached to Europe? By your criterion its capital city isn't even part of Europe.

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This debate is getting rather silly. Being on the edge of Europe, we can easily choose whether or not to join the emerging single european state. Either is physically practical.


The land border thing makes no sense at all. By that argument Europe, Asia and Africa are a single continent since they are a single land mass.

Continents are defined the way they are for historical reasons and this has no bearing on whether we should stay in the european federal government.

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