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What effect has greece had on your decision to leave euro?

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2014? Now try since the start of the Euro. Have fun!


Why would I do that? You want to include the period after the € was introduced but before it unleashed it's inevitable economic nightmare on the member states.

Bit contrived no?


The previous year's GDP is the normal measure for the current state of an economy.


Also, the €Z crisis is far from over. Even if you can find some figure that looks better for the €Z than the UK, how long do you think it will stay that way?

The ECB are predicting growth of 1.5% for the €Z for 2015 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-31750117

The CBI are predicting growth of 2.4% for the UK for 2015 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33043493


The UK figure would be much higher except that the CBI don't believe the ECB's projection and the €Z is expected to hold us back.

Edited by unbeliever
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I can explain that. They were lying.

Still I'm sure they must be telling the truth this time when they say that we have to stay in or bad things will happen.


Just because somebody lies to you repeatedly is surely no reason to think they'll do it again. :rolleyes:


That wasn't lying, the EU evolved as elected representatives of successive member states negotiated new treaties. Some aspects of that evolution were conceived as possibilities earlier, some later, but if politicians are banned from thinking about what might happen in the future then there's very little hope.


An example of lying would be, say, the leader of a political party promising to resign if he lost an election and then manipulating his national executive to reject his resignation.

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That wasn't lying, the EU evolved as elected representatives of successive member states negotiated new treaties. Some aspects of that evolution were conceived as possibilities earlier, some later, but if politicians are banned from thinking about what might happen in the future then there's very little hope.


An example of lying would be, say, the leader of a political party promising to resign if he lost an election and then manipulating his national executive to reject his resignation.


I think you'll find this was a textbook example of lying.

Read the 1971 white paper for membership of the common market. Or the information propagated by the in campaign in the 1975 referendum.


Heath knew very well what he was getting us into and used a thick layer of bullcrap to get us to vote for in to his supposed "trading block".

Edited by unbeliever
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Looks like UK will stand for the egg under the hat,


"Hypocrisy of the first order': Outrage as Europe fines UK £642m for poor accounting"





Laugh, I fell off the sofa.


This from an organisation that has never in 20 years had it's books ratified, :loopy: you just could not make it up - could you?.


Makes we wonder why we fought two world wars, only to be governed by Germany through the back door. I wonder what our glorious dead would say on this subject.



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Looks like UK will stand for the egg under the hat,


"Hypocrisy of the first order': Outrage as Europe fines UK £642m for poor accounting"



You do realise that you've posted a link to an article From the Daily Express, don't you? I just wanted to check in case it was an embarrassing accident.


---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 20:11 ----------


I wonder what our glorious dead would say on this subject.


I expect they'd applaud any attempt to prevent us getting into a similar mess again.

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You do realise that you've posted a link to an article From the Daily Express, don't you? I just wanted to check in case it was an embarrassing accident.


---------- Post added 14-07-2015 at 20:11 ----------



I expect they'd applaud any attempt to prevent us getting into a similar mess again.



You could always wait a month for it to get into the Star if it makes you feel superior.

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This from an organisation that has never in 20 years had it's books ratified, :loopy: you just could not make it up - could you?.



Not to mention that they "broke all the rules" (Lagarde) trying to rescue their ridiculous single currency project.

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Laugh, I fell off the sofa.


This from an organisation that has never in 20 years had it's books ratified, :loopy: you just could not make it up - could you?.


Makes we wonder why we fought two world wars, only to be governed by Germany through the back door. I wonder what our glorious dead would say on this subject.




I could not agree with you more. I think my late father would be turning in his grave.

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