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What effect has greece had on your decision to leave euro?

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We were never in the euro ...we are still using UK pounds if you had not noticed.


We should leave the EU as we never actually joined it to my knowledge we joined the European Common Market and had a referendum on that.


I have presently no objection to trading with the common market and possibly if the circumstances were favourable even remaining in the common market as long as we reject their agricultural and fisheries policies and reject any and all of europe's laws and all of it's interference with our laws and legislation. I also reject any of europe's ideas about who we should or not trade with. Our dairy farmers needed the trade we had with russia and it was not for europe to make us stop.



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We are not part of Europe. We have never been part of Europe. We are an island NEAR to Europe, but not part of it, never have been, never will. We should remain aloof, be able to trade with and associate with European countries but no more so than we do with our Commonwealth allies and other countries around the world.


We are controlled by Europe. Over 60% of all laws are being decided by Brussels. Freedom of movement is a fundamental right in the EU and that will never change. The fact is you are European and millions more are coming :)


You may not like it but the world is always changing...

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We were never in the euro ...we are still using UK pounds if you had not noticed.


We should leave the EU as we never actually joined it to my knowledge we joined the European Common Market and had a referendum on that.





EU was always a political not economic project ! You have been assimilated without you ever knowing it :)

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According to the BBC earlier the meeting was attended by the 18 Eurozone leaders.
All 28 were originally called in. This was reduced to the 18 €Z ones (-only) at the 11th hour since a deal was on the cards and the broader question of Greece grexiting was off the table.


According to the latest Tweets and leaks, however, things are looking really bad for Tsipras & Greece tonight, the 'couple of sticky issues' that are being discussed are Moon-sized humdingers: surrender of fiscal sovereignty, and €50bn's worth of asset holding.


I feel (a little, yes) for Tsipras. But mostly for the millions of Greek NAI voters.

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We could have been like Norway. They did one vital thing that could never have happened here under the Tory governments of the 80s and 90s - Norway nationalised oil and gas, sub-licenced production, taxed the production companies, then ringfenced the taxes collected for social infrastructure and investment.


We wasted our revenues. We missed the boat. No trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund for us.


Yes I have to agree with you about how we wasted our revenues. Norway probably is using theirs more wisely and investing for their future.

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Yes I have to agree with you about how we wasted our revenues. Norway probably is using theirs more wisely and investing for their future.


Their pension fund owns 50% of MeadowHell, remember that when you spend your money there.

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Norway is a very different country to the UK. You can't just compare one thing, they have a population about a twentieth of ours for one thing, and very low immigration levels. People there trust the government to do the right thing for the Norwegian people, whereas people here do not, for among other reasons, the ridiculous notion that people can arrive here by hook or by crook and the minute they set one toe on British soil, they become "British".

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Norway is a very different country to the UK. You can't just compare one thing, they have a population about a twentieth of ours for one thing, and very low immigration levels. People there trust the government to do the right thing for the Norwegian people, whereas people here do not, for among other reasons, the ridiculous notion that people can arrive here by hook or by crook and the minute they set one toe on British soil, they become "British".


You mean that ridiculous notion that only exists in your head? :loopy:

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