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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I really hope that this is true, then perhaps all the envirolentalists can go back to their yoghurt knitting


i really hope its true too convert


but even so, it still wouldn't resolve the problem of peak oil and planet resource depletion now would it?


plans to tackle global warming, also happen to address these issues ^^


so i shall continue with my yoghurt knitting


thanks very much :D

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Just an interesting little note.



Try searching for "climategate" on google (about 13,300,000 results as of this morning).


Then search for "global warming" (only 10,800,000 results as of this morning).


How long has the phrase global warming been in the public domain, decades? How long for climategate, Week?



Now I'm not saying that makes climate gate true and GW untrue.


I would like to know why the BBC, which we all pay for, isn't giving this story the coverage it deserves.




PS Just in case anyone wants to know a google search for "x factor" brings up around 6,800,000 results.

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i really hope its true too convert


but even so, it still wouldn't resolve the problem of peak oil and planet resource depletion now would it?


plans to tackle global warming, also happen to address these issues ^^


so i shall continue with my yoghurt knitting


thanks very much :D


I agree re the other problems we face, and that they should be addressed.


That's what makes me mad re the amount of focus on man made CO2. The money and effort being expended into greenwashing us on this subject could be much better spent looking into alternate energy production, and re-forestation projects.


From the data I've seen so far it appears that the science on MMGW is far from settled, but like you I agree that we will reach peak oil, and that we should stop ripping the lungs of the planet out.


There is no doubt the climate is changing; it always has and will always continue to do so.


Those that think we can control it are deluded IMHO, we should concentrate our resources on dealing with the consequences of what is primarily a natural phenomenon, rather than trying to artificially limit it.

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I believe that we are driving climate change to some extent and that it would theoretically be possible to control it.


However, other than that I agree completely with your post above.


There are more pressing issues and better places to direct money / political will.

Edited by Crayfish
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I believe that we are driving climate change to some extent and that it would theoretically be possible to control it.


However, other than that I agree completely with your post above.


There are more pressing issues and better places to direct money / political will.


I sort of agree that theoretically we might be able to influence the climate, I doubt we could control it.


Money would be much better spent on other avenues, rather than the apparent dead end that CO2 seems to be.

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I would like to know why the BBC, which we all pay for, isn't giving this story the coverage it deserves.


Because it doesn't deserve any coverage and because the BBC isn't Fox News and actually employs people who understand science to research whether the story is newsworthy rather than a manufactured 'scandal'.

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Because it doesn't deserve any coverage and because the BBC isn't Fox News and actually employs people who understand science to research whether the story is newsworthy rather than a manufactured 'scandal'.


Sorry I don't agree with you.


I don't agree that it doesn't deserve coverage by the BBC. The BBC should be impartial, and agreeing with the 'consensus' (please read the critique of Chapter 6 of the IPCC AR04 report I posted a link to earlier to see that there isn't even a consensus within the IPCC, let alone the wider scientific cmmunity) isn't impartial. A debate is needed, and for that we need to hear about both sides of the argument.


I do agree that the BBC isn't Fox news, It's also not the NY Times, the Wall Street Journal, etc...



The only thing that appears to be manufactured is the 'proof' of Man Made (up) Global Warming.



I can only hope that in the end the truth will come out, and 'Auntie' will end up with egg on her face.

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This is BBC on 'global warming'.........




Sea levels are likely to rise by about 1.4m (4ft 6in) globally by 2100 as polar ice melts, according to a major review of climate change in Antarctica.


A few paragraphs down......


The Antarctic Peninsula - the strip of land that points towards the southern tip of South America - has warmed by about 3C over the last 50 years, the fastest rise seen anywhere in the southern hemisphere, according to the report.


But the rest of the continent has remained largely immune from the global trend of rising temperatures.

Tourist ship (icebreaker)

More and more tourists are visiting the exotic Antarctica shores each year

Indeed, the continent's largest portion, East Antarctica, appears to have cooled, bringing a 10% increase in the sea ice extent since 1980.


the BBC never lets facts get in the way of a good headline hey !

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More BBC bias and censorship here:




"When I first stuck my head above the parapet to say I didn’t believe what we were being told about global warming I had no idea what the consequences would be.


I am a scientist and I have to *follow the directions of science but when I see that the truth is being covered up I have to voice my *opinions.


According to official data, in every year since 1998 world temperatures have been getting colder, and in 2002 Arctic ice actually increased. Why, then, do we not hear about that?


The sad fact is that since I said I didn’t believe human beings caused global warming I’ve not been allowed to make a TV programme. "

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