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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Perhaps Peak oil is not as close as we think...





Potentially 60 Billion barrels in the area...


Considering the world's biggest oilfield is Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, is thought to contain 80 billion barrels. The largest oilfield in the North Sea is Forties, which has five billion barrels.




Fire up the Quattro :D

Try the Canadian oil shales...


" In fact, the reserve that is deemed to be technologically retrievable today is estimated at 280-300Gb (billion barrels). This is larger than the Saudi Arabia oil reserves, which are estimated at 240Gb.....


From here.. http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/102spring2002_web_projects/m.sexton/


There's ten times more than that but it's not recoverable at the moment...

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The rats are leaving the ship.





Looks like fat Albert has decided to cancel a lecture at 'hopenfakem'.


I wonder if he'll refund the ticket holders $1209 each...



Or will he use it to help reduce all those carbons and save the Polar Bears :hihi:

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Perhaps Peak oil is not as close as we think...





Potentially 60 Billion barrels in the area...


Considering the world's biggest oilfield is Ghawar in Saudi Arabia, is thought to contain 80 billion barrels. The largest oilfield in the North Sea is Forties, which has five billion barrels.




Fire up the Quattro :D



This will be protected under the Antarctic Treaty and politically inaccessible.


The oil shales are being exploited. It is one of the most environmentally damaging undertakings ever dreamt up by man.

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I've only just stumbled across this thread, and I really can't be bothered to trawl through every post on the off chance that some of them might be intelligent, reasoned posts which aren't insulting other users. But I do have one question relating to something which seems to be a common the running not only through this thread but in the climate change deabte in general....


Where are these green taxes that everybody seems to think are the sole reason for all of the claims of AGW?


As far as I am aware, I have never been asked to apy any 'green tax' in my life, and haven't heard of any plans to introduce such a thing either.

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I've only just stumbled across this thread, and I really can't be bothered to trawl through every post on the off chance that some of them might be intelligent, reasoned posts which aren't insulting other users. But I do have one question relating to something which seems to be a common the running not only through this thread but in the climate change deabte in general....


Where are these green taxes that everybody seems to think are the sole reason for all of the claims of AGW?


As far as I am aware, I have never been asked to apy any 'green tax' in my life, and haven't heard of any plans to introduce such a thing either.


For a start how about the Fuel duty escalator, then the benefit in kind taxes on company cars / fuel - all based on CO2 output. How about the Aviation tax. I could go on, but Google really is your friend here.


How about this for a first shot through Google



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