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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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It's all right, I not trying to change your mind, you're free to believe what you want to. All I am trying to say is that only a fool would try to reach global conclusions of a long term phenomena by looking out of their back door.


I rest my case,a woman looks out of her back door,


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It's all right, I not trying to change your mind, you're free to believe what you want to. All I am trying to say is that only a fool would try to reach global conclusions of a long term phenomena by looking out of their back door.


I see what you're saying, and I agree. However that didn't stop the Pro AGW camp from taking a very small subset of tree ring data to support their failed hockeystick from the Yamal series did it?



Same thing in my opinion.

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Yes and you are adding nothing, if you have nothing to add go and join fishy in the no nowt corner.


I'm surprised then, because your effectively saying that is looking out of your back door to see what the weather is actually doing, is more a more accurate way of seeing what the weather is doing, than weather prediction. What other startling conclusions have you made, the world is round? You do know the difference between prediction and what is actually happening don't you?

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I'm surprised then, because your effectively saying that is looking out of your back door to see what the weather is actually doing, is more a more accurate way of seeing what the weather is doing, than weather prediction. What other startling conclusions have you made, the world is round? You do know the difference between prediction and what is actually happening don't you?


Post 1014.

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I rest my case,a woman looks out of her back door,



So do you think that a woman can look out of her back door and see a weather system coming form many hundreds of miles away? No one is that stupid, surely?


You do know the difference between prediction and what is actually happening don't you?

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IMHO there will not be enough evidence to arrive at a conclusion on AGW for at least another ten to fifteen years. The models and the data used to construct them are not yet accurate enough, but by 2025 the records gathered since 1990 should be sufficient to decide if there is a realistic correlation between increasing CO2 levels and any rise in global temperatures.


In the meantime there are, of course, many other good reasons for switching away from fossil fuels and I believe plenty of time to tackle the problem of alternative energy sources calmly and rationally rather than frantically forecasting inevitable and immediate doom and gloom as the warmists persist in doing. The only beneficiaries of this policy will be the already stinking rich at the expense of the dismally poor.

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IMHO there will not be enough evidence to arrive at a conclusion on AGW for at least another ten to fifteen years. The models and the data used to construct them are not yet accurate enough, but by 2025 the records gathered since 1990 should be sufficient to decide if there is a realistic correlation between increasing CO2 levels and any rise in global temperatures.


In the meantime there are, of course, many other good reasons for switching away from fossil fuels and I believe plenty of time to tackle the problem of alternative energy sources calmly and rationally rather than frantically forecasting inevitable and immediate doom and gloom as the warmists persist in doing. The only beneficiaries of this policy will be the already stinking rich at the expense of the dismally poor.


I have to say that is THE single best post on this subject on this thread. However a correlation between CO2 and rising temperature is not sufficient. Causation must be shown, and must show that CO2 increases lead temperature rises, not lag them.

Edited by convert
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Apparently you are you're the one suggesting it.


Duh, this is painful. A conversation with you is like banging my head against a wall. I never suggested it, I asked you if you are suggesting it.


I'll help. When I wrote - "So do you think" I was asking you a question. Also when a sentence ends with a question mark it usually indicates that the person is asking a question.

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You do know the difference between prediction and what is actually happening don't you?


A question you should be addressing to the Met Office. Their October prediction was for a mild winter. If the models they used for this prediction are no better than the models they use for AGW then why should we give any credence to their predictions for the climate in 2100 ?

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