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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Looks like even more problems for the Pro AGW crowd as the UN 'softens' it's stance on the deadline for Countries to sign up to the 'Hopenfaken' accord.




Since I know Wikicat doesn't like WUWT links here are a few more on the same story.






UN drops deadline for countries to state climate change targets

Copenhagen deal falters as just 20 countries of 192 sign up to declare their global warming strategies

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Climate change is very real, and is happening all around us, all of the time. 'Man-made' global warming theory is based upon unscientific and unproven 'evidence' that is supported mainly by those in the First World (the West) that feel guilty about their privileged lifestyles and extremely comfortable middle-class existence. Global Warming hysteria demands that the West donate huge amounts of its wealth to the unproductive and overpopulated Third World. It is a huge fraud that preys upon the inherent weakness of the liberal conscience. Avoid.

Edited by Pest Control
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Climate change is very real, and is happening all around us, all of the time. 'Man-made' global warming theory is based upon unscientific and unproven 'evidence' that is supported mainly by those in the First World (the West) that feel guilty about their privileged lifestyles and extremely comfortable middle-class existence. Global Warming hysteria demands that the West donate huge amounts of its wealth to the unproductive and overpopulated Third World. It is a huge fraud that preys upon the inherent weakness of the liberal conscience. Avoid.


Well said. It's good that people are finally waking up to the fact that the pro global warming lobby has been tricking us all along. In fact here's a report out today in which the pro global warming lobby have apologised by misleading people into thinking global warming exists and admitting they're wrong.



The problem is that too many people - like our very own Wildcat - read a few soundbites in the Guardian and base their opinion on that. If they bothered to read up on the subject in more detail, they'd know that the skeptics are being proved right and that global warming as indeed a myth invented for political reasons.

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Well said. It's good that people are finally waking up to the fact that the pro global warming lobby has been tricking us all along. In fact here's a report out today in which the pro global warming lobby have apologised by misleading people into thinking global warming exists and admitting they're wrong.



The problem is that too many people - like our very own Wildcat - read a few soundbites in the Guardian and base their opinion on that. If they bothered to read up on the subject in more detail, they'd know that the skeptics are being proved right and that global warming as indeed a myth invented for political reasons.


A) the article doesn't say climate change scientists have retracted the view that there is a human cause for climate change.


B) if you have done so much research then you would know the planet is not in fact cooling, as you claimed before, or at the least you would be able to give a reason to disbelieve the report I quoted or at the very least give some sort of reason to believe it is.

Edited by Wildcat
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The problem is that too many people - like our very own Wildcat - read a few soundbites in the Guardian and base their opinion on that. If they bothered to read up on the subject in more detail, they'd know that the skeptics are being proved right and that global warming as indeed a myth invented for political reasons.


People who champion the scientifically unproven 'man-made global warming' theory are not harmless cranks. Their misguided views have seen, and continue to see, increases in carbon taxes which have contributed to the deaths of tens of thousands of British pensioners. Elderly, vulnerable and disadvantaged people die because of the cold weather just so these middle-class hypocrites can feel better about themselves. It gives them a sense of inflated self-importance to believe that they are 'saving the world'. Idiots. Dangerously deluded idiots.

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Climate change is very real, and is happening all around us, all of the time. 'Man-made' global warming theory is based upon unscientific and unproven 'evidence' that is supported mainly by those in the First World (the West) that feel guilty about their privileged lifestyles and extremely comfortable middle-class existence. Global Warming hysteria demands that the West donate huge amounts of its wealth to the unproductive and overpopulated Third World. It is a huge fraud that preys upon the inherent weakness of the liberal conscience. Avoid.


A very strong opinion for your first post.


You don't however give any reason for your opinion, and why you think the opinion of the majority of scientists working on the area is unscientific?


As it stands all that you have posted tells us anything about, is yourself.

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People who champion the scientifically unproven 'man-made global warming' theory are not harmless cranks. Their misguided views have seen, and continue to see, increases in carbon taxes which have contributed to the deaths of tens of thousands of British pensioners. Elderly, vulnerable and disadvantaged people die because of the cold weather just so these middle-class hypocrites can feel better about themselves. It gives them a sense of inflated self-importance to believe that they are 'saving the world'. Idiots. Dangerously deluded idiots.


Do you have any evidence for these opinions?

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As it stands all that you have posted tells us anything about, is yourself.


As was my intention. To give just a little flavour of my views on the subject matter, and await a response. Facts and scientific data to support my beliefs can come later, as they are much too dry and academic for a first post. As it stands I have made an impression on which to build in future contributions.


I thank you.

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