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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Here's another climate change lie exposed. The whole political scam is falling apart - despite all the propaganda and the bull**** espoused by it's blinkered adherents.




It isn't another one. It is the same mistake that has been discussed over the last 4 pages. :rolleyes:


A minor mistake, that amounts to a couple of sentences in a huge report. In making the correction it goes to show how seriously the IPCC take accuracy and the strength of their argument.

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Climate-gate part II begins now: The scientists with Icecap.us website announced findings late last week that not only was the CRU involved in producing fraudulent weather data, but two United States agencies, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), have also been falsifying climate reports for years. NOAA, the report concludes, is actually "ground-zero" for the fraud of global warming, not the East Anglia Institute.


In a new report supported by SPPI, computer expert E. Michael Smith and Certified Consulting Meteorologist Joseph D'Aleo discovered extensive manipulation of the temperature data by the U.S. Government's National Climate Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, North Carolina Smith and D'Aleo accuse these centers of manipulating temperature data to give the appearance of warmer temperatures than actually occurred by trimming the number and location of weather observation stations and then ‘adjuting the data in ways that increase the apparent warming.


Source http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/01/climategate_redux.html


So it would appear that the NOAA and GISS data may be suspect (as I previously stated).

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Source http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2010/01/climategate_redux.html


So it would appear that the NOAA and GISS data may be suspect (as I previously stated).


It is indeed suspect, as this peer reviewed report points out, US weather stations underestimate temperature due to their citing, but don't bias climate change:




Article discussing the report here:



and here:



Ohh and the evidence from innuits on polar bears. :rolleyes:


We have already covered. Where do they think the seals will live that feed the bears once the sea ice has gone?



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It is indeed suspect, as this peer reviewed report points out, US weather stations underestimate temperature due to their citing, but don't bias climate change:




Article discussing the report here:



and here:



Ohh and the evidence from innuits on polar bears. :rolleyes:


We have already covered. Where do they think the seals will live that feed the bears once the sea ice has gone?




"But Inuit hunters have argued that they've seen more, not fewer, polar bears in the region."


"However, Inuit have said the government's figures are based on computer models that use old data from 1997, when the last physical survey of Baffin bay polar bears took place."



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"But Inuit hunters have argued that they've seen more, not fewer, polar bears in the region."


"However, Inuit have said the government's figures are based on computer models that use old data from 1997, when the last physical survey of Baffin bay polar bears took place."




Of course the Inuit have seen more Polar Bears. That is because their habitat on the Ice sheets is melting forcing them in to towns and populated areas.




As for the claim there have been no surveys since 1997.... what about this one from last year?


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Looks like climategate is going to be examined very closely.


The Science and Technology Committee today announces an inquiry into the unauthorised publication of data, emails and documents relating to the work of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA). The Committee has agreed to examine and invite written submissions on three questions:


— What are the implications of the disclosures for the integrity of scientific research?


— Are the terms of reference and scope of the Independent Review announced on 3 December 2009 by UEA adequate (see below)?


— How independent are the other two international data sets?




The Independent Review will:


1. Examine the hacked e-mail exchanges, other relevant e-mail exchanges and any other information held at CRU to determine whether there is any evidence of the manipulation or suppression of data which is at odds with acceptable scientific practice and may therefore call into question any of the research outcomes.


2. Review CRU's policies and practices for acquiring, assembling, subjecting to peer review and disseminating data and research findings, and their compliance or otherwise with best scientific practice.


3. Review CRU's compliance or otherwise with the University's policies and practices regarding requests under the Freedom of Information Act ('the FOIA') and the Environmental Information Regulations ('the EIR') for the release of data.


4. Review and make recommendations as to the appropriate management, governance and security structures for CRU and the security, integrity and release of the data it holds .


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Looks like climategate is going to be examined very closely.


And when it concludes and says that there was nothing in what was revealed of significant concern will people stop talking about it as climategate? or will they shift the goalposts and call it a coverup.

Edited by Wildcat
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Of course the Inuit have seen more Polar Bears. That is because their habitat on the Ice sheets is melting forcing them in to towns and populated areas.




As for the claim there have been no surveys since 1997.... what about this one from last year?



You are the one who used the Inuit as a source of how many polar bears there were and now you are dismissing their evidence within two posts because it doesn't fit your bill, make thi mind up Wikicat.:rolleyes:

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A little round up of events:


The floods of 2007 - Blamed on climate change.


The recent mild winters - Blamed on climate change.


Natural disasters - Blamed on climate change.


The hot Australian summer - Blamed on climate change.


The last two severe winters in the UK - Not blamed on climate change because dont forget that (now these winters have gone "against the grain") weather and climate change are TOTALLY different things.


They make it up as they go along.

Edited by top4718
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