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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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If all you think that the whole problem is ONLY down to "proper cars" then you are very deluded and need to do as the person says and expand your knowledge.


Yes we dont really know fully whats going on.....but what do you want to do,.....take a chance with the only planet we have.....or continue......and hope it goes away.


And to be honest, im more worried about our thin layer surrounding the earth being destroyed........if that happens, it doesnt really matter what the climate will be......we wont be around to watch it.

Edited by hitch_1980
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If all you think that the whole problem is ONLY down to "proper cars" then you are very deluded and need to do as the person says and expand your knowledge.


Please read it again i used that as an example and put 'etc' at the end also, anything to add to the matter or are you sticking with attacking my views on the topic? How do you mean expand my knowledge? You don't know how much I know on the subject but if you'd like to ask me something then feel free

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If all you think that the whole problem is ONLY down to "proper cars" then you are very deluded and need to do as the person says and expand your knowledge.


Yes we dont really know fully whats going on.....but what do you want to do,.....take a chance with the only planet we have.....or continue......and hope it goes away.


Hope what goes away?

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Well... there is no evidence to support that the climate changes we've seen in the past couple of hundred years were anything other than the Earth's natural progression. We simply don’t understand the climate well enough or have enough conclusive data to say that humanity is having such a bad effect and is causing "Global Warming"


Also, the fact that climate change is generally not world-wide and is more of a regional thing leads me to believe that the whole world is not going to implode if we continue to drive proper cars etc.


Maybe the temperature on Earth is rising currently (although if I am correct the temperature has slightly dropped overrall over the past 30/40yrs) but to believe that the human race is responsible for significantly changing the climate is a dangerous game to play.


That's why I believe it to be 'tosh' - Why do you believe otherwise? Because some lentil-soup eating Greenpeace member tells you it is?


I await your response with great intrigue and hope that my response was profound enough for you, Sir


P.S - I suppose it depends on your definition of "Global Warming"


Wow, you are so right, I will believe everything you say rather than renowned scientists, because the scientific consensus is that human activity is contributing to climate change. Those who deny it continue to be in the minority, like creationists and flat earth types.

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Please read it again i used that as an example and put 'etc' at the end also, anything to add to the matter or are you sticking with attacking my views on the topic? How do you mean expand my knowledge? You don't know how much I know on the subject but if you'd like to ask me something then feel free


I apologise......when i mean expand your knowledge.....i mean in terms of dont just look at what the climate is doing, but other things as well, such as our ozone layer etc.

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Wow, you are so right, I will believe everything you say rather than renowned scientists, because the scientific consensus is that human activity is contributing to climate change. Those who deny it continue to be in the minority, like creationists and flat earth types.


Which scientists are these and how do you know how reputable their information is?


What science actually tells us is that we just don’t know whether global warming is happening and, if it is, why. It is not true that the seas are generally rising, Not all the ice-caps are melting, the Antarctic ice is overall increasing. Some scientists say that the climate now is the hottest ever (again, our limited knowledge on the matter deems it impossible to tell such things) - also, there's some evidence that says the climate now is 2 degree's colder than it was 900yrs ago.


As for CO2, it makes such little difference to the climate that even if it doubled it would make little impact, also it does not correlate with Climate Change just as sea-levels don't.


There are plenty of scientists, meteorologists etc that dont buy into it so i guess its down to which ones you choose to believe, maybe looking a bit deeper into who they are and why they may choose to put certain opinions in the public demain is the first step to deciding who to believe

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Which scientists are these and how do you know how reputable their information is?


All of them that publish research apart from Shaviv 2005 that thinks Cosmic rays are responsible (the obvious flaw is that solar radiation has been constant whilst temperatures have risen) and Zhen-Shan 2006 who make an assumption that CO2's relationship with temperature is linear rather than logarithmic making his conclusions demonstrably false.






What science actually tells us is that we just don’t know whether global warming is happening and, if it is, why. It is not true that the seas are generally rising, Not all the ice-caps are melting, the Antarctic ice is overall increasing.


Sea level is rising 1.7 mm a year.



Arctic Ice is melting quicker than the predictions:



Ice mass loss is occuring at an accelerated rate in Greenland, Antarctica and globally from inland glaciers. Arctic sea ice is also falling at an accelerated rate. The exception to this ice loss is Antarctic sea ice which has been growing despite the warming Southern Ocean. This is due to local factors unique to the area.




More on the Antarctic Ice increasing, but also note the Antarctic has been warming beyond the global average:



Some scientists say that the climate now is the hottest ever (again, our limited knowledge on the matter deems it impossible to tell such things) - also, there's some evidence that says the climate now is 2 degree's colder than it was 900yrs ago.


False again:



Although it has been warmer in the distant past explained by geological, solar and volcanic reasons.


As for CO2, it makes such little difference to the climate that even if it doubled it would make little impact, also it does not correlate with Climate Change just as sea-levels don't.


Utter tosh:



There are plenty of scientists, meteorologists etc that dont buy into it so i guess its down to which ones you choose to believe, maybe looking a bit deeper into who they are and why they may choose to put certain opinions in the public demain is the first step to deciding who to believe


97% of climate scientists actively publishing climate papers endorse the consensus position.




And there are only 2 peer reviewed papers in the last 15 years that disagree with consensus. I have explained why both are wrong in response to your first point.


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Which scientists are these and how do you know how reputable their information is?


What science actually tells us is that we just don’t know whether global warming is happening and, if it is, why. It is not true that the seas are generally rising, Not all the ice-caps are melting, the Antarctic ice is overall increasing. Some scientists say that the climate now is the hottest ever (again, our limited knowledge on the matter deems it impossible to tell such things) - also, there's some evidence that says the climate now is 2 degree's colder than it was 900yrs ago.


As for CO2, it makes such little difference to the climate that even if it doubled it would make little impact, also it does not correlate with Climate Change just as sea-levels don't.


There are plenty of scientists, meteorologists etc that dont buy into it so i guess its down to which ones you choose to believe, maybe looking a bit deeper into who they are and why they may choose to put certain opinions in the public demain is the first step to deciding who to believe


If paragraph two is true, that science only tells us that we don't know, how can you be sure paragraph 3 is also true?

Edited by splodgeyAl
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