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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Except the NASA scientist quoted is not supporting Soon's denialism, he is talking about making the models precise to the level of tenths of a percent per decade.


The goal of the mission is to measure tiny, incremental changes in the amount of energy entering and leaving Earth’s atmosphere — with such accuracy that even minor global warming trends over the course of a decade will be detected with confidence.


A major goal of the CLARREO mission is to provide extremely accurate climate measurements — at the accuracy level of tenths of a percent per decade. By knowing these trends very precisely, we can improve the accuracy of climate change forecasts, which will help society make the tough decisions we're facing.



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How about a bit nearer to home with 127 years of good old Sheffield Weather data.


yyyy mm tmax tmin af rain sun

degC degC days mm hours

1883 1. 6.3 1.7 6 122.1 ---


2010 1. 3.4 0.1 14 48.6 58.4* Provisional




Selectively quoting data only shows you don't understand what you are talking about. :rolleyes:

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It looks like pretty standard unhinged conspiracy theory, to me.


What impresses you about the argument put forward?


Selectively quoting data only shows you don't understand what you are talking about. :rolleyes:


Pot Kettle Black lol

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