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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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All of them that publish research apart from Shaviv 2005 that thinks Cosmic rays are responsible (the obvious flaw is that solar radiation has been constant whilst temperatures have risen) and Zhen-Shan 2006 who make an assumption that CO2's relationship with temperature is linear rather than logarithmic making his conclusions demonstrably false.








Sea level is rising 1.7 mm a year.



Arctic Ice is melting quicker than the predictions:



Ice mass loss is occuring at an accelerated rate in Greenland, Antarctica and globally from inland glaciers. Arctic sea ice is also falling at an accelerated rate. The exception to this ice loss is Antarctic sea ice which has been growing despite the warming Southern Ocean. This is due to local factors unique to the area.




More on the Antarctic Ice increasing, but also note the Antarctic has been warming beyond the global average:





False again:



Although it has been warmer in the distant past explained by geological, solar and volcanic reasons.




Utter tosh:





97% of climate scientists actively publishing climate papers endorse the consensus position.




And there are only 2 peer reviewed papers in the last 15 years that disagree with consensus. I have explained why both are wrong in response to your first point.



Dear oh dear, Wildcat, you really are making a fool of yourself on this thread! All your links are to sites run by enthusiastic amateurs like yourself who when confronted with facts stick their heads in the sand and their fingers in their ears. If you bothered to read the news, you'd know by now that the Climategate scandal has proved the thread title, that global warming is a myth and that the earth has actually been cooling for the last 10 years. No amount of links to propaganda sites can change the facts.


I really think that after making 573 posts on this thread, everyone is fully aware of your blinkered opinion and steadfast refusal to listen to the views of experts that know more about this subject than you ever will. For your own sake, leave this thread alone and find a new, less tedious obsession!

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Dear oh dear, Wildcat, you really are making a fool of yourself on this thread! All your links are to sites run by enthusiastic amateurs like yourself who when confronted with facts stick their heads in the sand and their fingers in their ears. If you bothered to read the news, you'd know by now that the Climategate scandal has proved the thread title, that global warming is a myth and that the earth has actually been cooling for the last 10 years. No amount of links to propaganda sites can change the facts.


I really think that after making 573 posts on this thread, everyone is fully aware of your blinkered opinion and steadfast refusal to listen to the views of experts that know more about this subject than you ever will. For your own sake, leave this thread alone and find a new, less tedious obsession!


Why does it not surprise me that on you return to this thread you make the same wild statements, so at odds with reality. :rolleyes:


If you bothered to read my links you would see they are either references to or are direct links to peer reviewed papers from the experts in the field and the amateur arguments are those that criticise a consensus so convincing that there have only been two papers in the last 20 years disputing the consensus, both of which are fundamentally flawed for reasons that don't require anyone to be an expert to understand (see preceding post).

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Why does it not surprise me that on you return to this thread you make the same wild statements, so at odds with reality. :rolleyes:


If you bothered to read my links you would see they are either references to or are direct links to peer reviewed papers from the experts in the field and the amateur arguments are those that criticise a consensus so convincing that there have only been two papers in the last 20 years disputing the consensus, both of which are fundamentally flawed for reasons that don't require anyone to be an expert to understand (see preceding post).


Everyone who agrees with you is an expert. :roll:


Everyone who disagrees with you gets smeared for being an amateur, wrong or in the pay of oil companies. :roll:


Your attitude that "if I keep posting the same thing over and over again eventually it might come true" is childish and arrogant.


Statistics have shown that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years. Even climate change advocates like the BBC and the Science Museum have been forced into embarrassing climbdowns and admissions they got it wrong. I'm sure your turn will come soon - are you a big enough man to apologise and admit you're wrong?

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Everyone who agrees with you is an expert. :roll:


Everyone who disagrees with you gets smeared for being an amateur, wrong or in the pay of oil companies. :roll:


You have cause and effect the wrong way around. I base my opinions on those of the experts'. The fact there are no credible experts disputing the consensus is not a reason to disbelieve the experts.


Your attitude that "if I keep posting the same thing over and over again eventually it might come true" is childish and arrogant.


You didn't respond to my previous response to your similar observations. It is you that is repeatedly posting non-evidenced opinions.


Statistics have shown that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years.


No, they don't.


Even climate change advocates like the BBC and the Science Museum have been forced into embarrassing climbdowns and admissions they got it wrong. I'm sure your turn will come soon - are you a big enough man to apologise and admit you're wrong?


The BBC is a news agency. I don't recall it taking a position, let alone changing it.


The Science Museum says this:


The vast majority of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing and human greenhouse gas emissions are the main cause.


Outside of the climate science community, however, some people are still not convinced. This is often highlighted in the media. And when one climate-change expert and one climate-change sceptic are pitched against each other, it can seem like there's more disagreement amongst scientists than there really is.


There is genuine debate, though, about how exactly to tackle climate change.




I'm sure your turn will come soon - are you a big enough man to apologise and admit you're wrong?


Are you big enough to apologise?

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quite frankly the current volcanic activity in iceland might well blow out any remotely thoughts of global warming if one of the volcanoes erupts.




Whether the Volcano blows or not, it doesn't affect the fact of man made global warming.

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