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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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You have cause and effect the wrong way around. I base my opinions on the opposite of those of the experts'. The fact there are no credible experts disputing the consensus is not a reason to disbelieve the experts.



True - the experts' consensus us that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years. So I've inserted the bold text above to correct your post.





The BBC is a news agency. I don't recall it taking a position, let alone changing it.


Wrong again.





Your article is out of date. The Science Museum has since admitted that they got it wrong - here is a more recent article as proof.




The saddest thing is, Wildcat, that you sound like an intelligent bloke. I can't understand why you have this pigheaded refusal to listen to the facts when they're so overwhelmingly against you.

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True - the experts' consensus us that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years. So I've inserted the bold text above to correct your post.





Wrong again.






Your article is out of date. The Science Museum has since admitted that they got it wrong - here is a more recent article as proof.




The saddest thing is, Wildcat, that you sound like an intelligent bloke. I can't understand why you have this pigheaded refusal to listen to the facts when they're so overwhelmingly against you.


i would hazard a guess that a refusal to deal with any facts that counteract their 'veiwpoint' might well suggest wildcat is actually a women.....

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True - the experts' consensus us that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years. So I've inserted the bold text above to correct your post.


Can you name me one expert that thinks the earth has been cooling in the last 10 years? 10 years where we have had something like 5 of the highest annual temperatures in the century. :rolleyes:



Here is an exchange between biased-bbc and this blogger:




Biased BBC seem to be more than a little biased and verging on unhinged themselves.


Your article is out of date. The Science Museum has since admitted that they got it wrong - here is a more recent article as proof.




The saddest thing is, Wildcat, that you sound like an intelligent bloke. I can't understand why you have this pigheaded refusal to listen to the facts when they're so overwhelmingly against you.


The Times article is more than a little misleading, but even so does not say what you claim it does.


This is the press release the Times is reporting:



Yes it acknowledges their are some sceptical opinions when it says "The scientific community has, with some exceptions, concluded that climate change is real, largely driven by humans and requires a response."


The Times has blown that up out of all proportion in to a non-story. If you want to look for biassed reporting then you would do well to start with this Times article.


As for pig-headed refusal to accept the facts, :loopy:


it is not me that has consistently got my facts wrong and it is not me that is arguing against the consensus of scientific thinking on the subject backed up by 29,000 different data sets!



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Define "credible"


In the context of experts ones that are making claims proportionate to their knowledge and expertise. And in the context of their claims, ones published in peer reviewed journals that have survived the criticism of their peers.

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In the context of experts ones that are making claims proportionate to their knowledge and expertise. And in the context of their claims, ones published in peer reviewed journals that have survived the criticism of their peers.


So this guy would fit the bill?

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So this guy would fit the bill?


If you think credible applies to Roy Spencer then you are using it in a very novel way.








Do you also agree with him that Evolution has been disproved by the Science of Creationism?

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Roy Spencer


Do you also agree with him that Evolution has been disproved by the Science of Creationism?


Do you realise once the errors were corrected in his research paper he had to concede he had shown the climate was warming?


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