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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Well done.


Monbiot's article I referenced earlier linked to that article albeit on a different site:




I particularly liked Monbiot picking out this section:




presumably the basis of this "venomous ad hominem" was the slight misquote that Abraham apologised for in his reply:






Monckton's misquotes and misattributions however are a little more serious:



Monbiot is spot on when he says "Monckton's climate denial is a gift to those who take the science seriously" He has no credibility and hopefully those that support him are easily discredited and the debate can move on to what we are going to do about it and not dealing with wishful thinking liars.




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It just shows how worthwhile it was for John Abraham to so thoroughly go through Monckton's arguments showing him up for consistently and thoroughly misrepresenting the evidence of nearly every source of information he uses then.



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But he doesn't need wiki to find them.


Panic over polar bear is back on the menu.




Your article says nothing about the topic or why a panic should be over.


The fact is polar bear numbers are decreasing because of global warming.





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Your article says nothing about the topic or why a panic should be over.


The fact is polar bear numbers are decreasing because of global warming.






They'll be panic buying of polar bear coats if the next bogey man turns up,



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With the PDO in a cooling phase and sunspot activity down, we have still had the warmest 12 months on record.


If a volcano goes up and drops temperatures for a bit... that won't affect the overall warming trend that the article attests to with the evidence of the PDO and sunspot activity.

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