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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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So being a minority makes one wrong does it


??? One stat isn't wrong ... it doesn't prove anything though.


and these scientists you speak of are these the same ones from Anglia University who were fudging the figures and hiding the data?


... the shortcomings of the scientists from one University doesn't discredit the work of all the others.


Anyway keeping it on a more practical level, the Met Office has some of most powerful computers in the world and still can't predict the weather in this country with any great accuracy on a day to day basis. How then can they predict there is something "wrong" with the climate and the cause of this "catastrophe" is man-made?


Perhaps the programmes they use are written by the same developers. LOL


Garbage in garbage out...


You really don't understand science do you? Nobody can predict who will and won't get cancer either. It doesn't mean that certain risk factors haven't been absolutely positively identified. Or do you carry on smoking because your uncle lived until he was 90?


Finally as you have no changes in your lifestyle I conclude that you really don't give a toss.


I'm trying hard not to give a toss because just like everyone else, I don't want to give up life's luxuries. Can I make a difference? Hmm not sure about that. It may already be too late.


Neither do I mate and the reason is simple, the planet has changed in so many ways over it’s lifetime and so has the universe, so get used to it.


Change will always happen. There are certain things beyond our control and certain things within our control.


Your confidence is about as convincing as the captain of the Titanic. Full steam ahead. Nothing to worry about ...

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oh ****e sheep:-



Good one. Frightening. What chance do real scientists have when the general public know so very little?


... you don't think that theories on man-made climate change are just a huge prank do you? Some time soon somebody's gonna come clean and say "Haha, gotcha!" ????


Do you?

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??? One stat isn't wrong ... it doesn't prove anything though.


What do you mean one stat? I am saying just because people's views are in the minority does not make then wrong



... the shortcomings of the scientists from one University doesn't discredit the work of all the others.


What others mate or do you refer to the various lobby groups who pass themselves off as climate experts?



You really don't understand science do you? Nobody can predict who will and won't get cancer either. It doesn't mean that certain risk factors haven't been absolutely positively identified. Or do you carry on smoking because your uncle lived until he was 90?


Not really, I'm an engineer. :hihi: So with that in mind how therefore can nobody predict who gets cancer, yet your people can predict catastrophic climate change?


Furthermore switch on the tele of a morning or pick up a paper and I guarantee there will be a least one "researchers have shown" type article.


You need to understand how the media works or operates before you even begin to consider the science.



I'm trying hard not to give a toss because just like everyone else, I don't want to give up life's luxuries. Can I make a difference? Hmm not sure about that. It may already be too late.


Do what Sting does, make money from it. Do what Al Gores does, make money from it.



Change will always happen. There are certain things beyond our control and certain things within our control.


Such as?



Your confidence is about as convincing as the captain of the Titanic. Full steam ahead. Nothing to worry about ...


I don't give a toss mate at least if I believe in something strongly enough I will alter my lifestyle to suit.

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... I am saying just because people's views are in the minority does not make then wrong


No argument there.


"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." (BTW not claiming to be a genius haha)


Not really, I'm an engineer. :hihi: So with that in mind how therefore can nobody predict who gets cancer, yet your people can predict catastrophic climate change?


... and you can confidently say it's all media hype and that there's no scientific truth in the observations, and no basis for predicting that, on present trends, things are going to get worse, much worse ... within the blinking of an eye relative to our time on the planet?


Furthermore switch on the tele of a morning or pick up a paper and I guarantee there will be a least one "researchers have shown" type article.


You need to understand how the media works or operates before you even begin to consider the science.


Oh, I know we all like a good scare story. Nothing sells newspapers like bad news. You know Bird Flu, SARS, Swine Flu, Mad Cow Disease all seem like stupid little scare stories now. Someone once said the media can't distinguish between the collapse of civilastion and a bicycle accident - they'll hype up one to be the other on a poor news day.


But don't you sense that the climate change story is different? Aren't we messing around with the planet on an industrial scale? Shouldn't we be concerned with the growing world population and the industrialisation of the BRIC countries (?)


You know we can't go live on Venus or Mars if we break this planet don't you?


Do what Sting does, make money from it. Do what Al Gores does, make money from it.


Ah, bless 'em.


I don't give a toss mate at least if I believe in something strongly enough I will alter my lifestyle to suit.


You don't give a toss but you keep contributing to the discussion. Who are you trying to persuade? Me? Others? Or maybe yourself? Keep repeating the conspiracy theory mantra and the big ugly truth will go away???


C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. You're still not reassuring me. My son's talking of joining Friend of the Earth and wants me to join and change my lifestyle. Damn it, he may be right.


I really don't buy the "it's all a conspiracy" line ... and that comes from someone who used to believe that man didn't land on the moon ... of course we(?) did. Just as the media loves a good disaster story, the internet loves a good conspiracy theory.


So you're an engineer Streamline? Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer? It doesn't really matter which, does it? You understand a bit about physics don't you?


So, tell me how a greenhouse works ...

Edited by spinac
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More good news.




UK government axes its sustainability watchdog.


Not such good news. A couple of articles of relevance:




Saving money can cost a fortune. The government's decision to scrap the Sustainable Development Commission will save £3m a year. It is likely to cost the taxpayer many times more.


The environment department's announcement that it would stop funding the SDC coincided this morning with the publication of the commission's latest (and last) report on the government's green progress. This report shows that even the modest measures the previous government introduced to save energy and water and reduce waste have cut the state's annual bills by £60m to £70m.




So cutting the SDC is likely to cost the Taxpayer dearly... The Govt is metaphorically cutting off its nose to spite its face.

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Not such good news. A couple of articles of relevance:








So cutting the SDC is likely to cost the Taxpayer dearly... The Govt is metaphorically cutting off its nose to spite its face.


Cutting more none jobs and getting rid of a department that tells everyone what they could already work out by using a bit of common sense. Sounds like a win win to me. Of course those who work in none jobs will always rush to defend their 'comrades'.

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"The data indicate that solar activity may have been one of the major driving factors of summer temperatures, but this has been overlaid by other factors since 1990”.... warming since then... therefore the sun is not currently driving temperatures.


What happens when the water pump on your car packs in.

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