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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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But the press is having a field day with the NOAA report, especially since the now-discredited United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report has already been exposed as biased and filled with errors. The IPCC report no longer serves as a useful tool in persuading people to accept lower living standards in an attempt to slow “climate change” by reducing the relatively miniscule emissions of greenhouse gases. So this new tool could prove valuable to the “cap-and-traders” like BP and Goldman Sachs.




Hmm and you think your site is credible? Why exactly you have repeatedly linked to it and each time to a misleading article.


The author seems to be under direction from Watts who as anyone who has followed this thread will know is less than honest when it comes to information. He is still publishing the Telegraph story they withdrew last week when it was conclusively shown to be false, as just one example.


In relation to this particular article it refers to D'aleos paper and specifically the claim in it that NOAA have cherry picked their data to introduce a warming trend. The problem with such an argument, readily available to anyone with a computer and internet connection interested in the truth would be able to tell you that claim is transparently false because if you remove the data they suggest introduces a bias, it has no effect at all on the trend.




So yet again you link to an article demonstrably containing fundamental falsehoods, readily exposed by simply doing a little research and being interested in the truth. Something the author and publication clearly is not, just like you are not because you keep referencing discredited sources.

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Hmm and you think your site is credible? Why exactly you have repeatedly linked to it and each time to a misleading article.


The author seems to be under direction from Watts who as anyone who has followed this thread will know is less than honest when it comes to information. He is still publishing the Telegraph story they withdrew last week when it was conclusively shown to be false, as just one example.


In relation to this particular article it refers to D'aleos paper and specifically the claim in it that NOAA have cherry picked their data to introduce a warming trend. The problem with such an argument, readily available to anyone with a computer and internet connection interested in the truth would be able to tell you that claim is transparently false because if you remove the data they suggest introduces a bias, it has no effect at all on the trend.




So yet again you link to an article demonstrably containing fundamental falsehoods, readily exposed by simply doing a little research and being interested in the truth. Something the author and publication clearly is not, just like you are not because you keep referencing discredited sources.


A bit more credible than yours, now where is that melting glacier, is that a polar bear sat on it.

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A bit more credible than yours, now where is that melting glacier, is that a polar bear sat on it.


Hmm.... my site run by a federal agency of the United States Govt. that is a world leader in its scientific field, compared with your AmericanThinker site, which is a right wing echo chamber.




As for glaciers, have a look for yourself:



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Maybe, but using it does your argument no favours because all you have to do to disprove global warming is point of a single area where temperatures have either stayed the same or fallen.


As i said, i certainly think the climate is changing, as it always has done.


Yep it's been a bit nippy this Summer hasn't it?

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A bit more credible than yours, now where is that melting glacier, is that a polar bear sat on it.


If it is, it'll have been 'shopped :hihi:





YEP, THEY PHOTOSHOPPED IT: The climate skeptics have tracked down the original iStockphoto page with the photo. As you can see the iStockphoto people openly admit the image was concocted with Photoshop.

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Not sure what your Watts link is trying to show, but I think this is a counter to the view that the arctic is cooling.




San Francisco has had a cold summer? Hmm I don't see what that has to do with your point.


As you can see from the plot of the records the temperature trend in San Francisco is warming.



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