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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Not sure how you work that out. There has been a lot of reports on Sea level rise since the 2007 IPCC report, most showing the IPCC underestimated Sea Level rise.


The numbers in this report are at the high end of the range of the IPCC predictions.


Compare the 0.37m rise with the predictions in table SPM.1



It will be interesting to see how this report is met by other researchers and where the dust finally settles on this issue, but the report confirms the IPCC predictions, AGW and the need to set the emissions targets countries so far have failed to.

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Not sure how you work that out. There has been a lot of reports on Sea level rise since the 2007 IPCC report, most showing the IPCC underestimated Sea Level rise.


The numbers in this report are at the high end of the range of the IPCC predictions.


Compare the 0.37m rise with the predictions in table SPM.1



It will be interesting to see how this report is met by other researchers and where the dust finally settles on this issue, but the report confirms the IPCC predictions, AGW and the need to set the emissions targets countries so far have failed to.


Does the report say that they are melting at half the predicted speed?


Does this show that the Alarmists were wrong?


Remeber we are coming out of an Ice age still, there is going to be some warming / climate change; It's just that no one can prove it's due to man made CO2.

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Does the report say that they are melting at half the predicted speed?


Does this show that the Alarmists were wrong?


Remeber we are coming out of an Ice age still, there is going to be some warming / climate change; It's just that no one can prove it's due to man made CO2.


It says it is at half previously predicted speeds. Which were higher than IPCC predictions.


It illustrates the way researchers refine their predictions.


Since you call the IPCC alarmists, it doesn't show them wrong, no. Infact it shows the extent of the conservatism in the IPCC's predictions.


No one can prove anything in science conclusively. The evidence however from amongst other things the increases in temperature at a time when we are at a solar minimum do in combination show conclusively that CO2 emissions need to be controlled.


As for Ice Ages.... they are processes that effect climate based on axial tilts and orbital changes. These factors indicate cooling (not warming as your "we are coming out of an ice age" would indicate) factors that are long term and minor compared with the positive temperature trends recorded recently due to the greenhouse effect.

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I don't understand why this debate is so controversial.

The thing is, it does not matter that much whether or not the anthropogenic contribution to climate change is significant.

The undeniable facts are that there are over 6 billion people in the world, the population is growing near exponentially; and the rate of energy consumption is growing very much exponentially, and already at a rate that vastly exceeds the global rate of energy sequestering.


Or put more simply, we are running off a finite amount of energy reserves.


If the climate change doomsayers are right, and we don't pull our fingers out, then we'll have catastrophic climate within a decade or two, and we are all doomed.


If the climate change doomsayers are wrong, and we don't pull our fingers out, then maybe it'll be another decade or so before we run out of fuel, and are unable to feed the population.


Rock or hard place? Makes not that much odds, but the solution to both problems is the same, and the sooner we start working towards that solution, the easier it will be.

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The undeniable facts are that there are over 6 billion people in the world, the population is growing near exponentially; and the rate of energy consumption is growing very much exponentially, and already at a rate that vastly exceeds the global rate of energy sequestering.




There are over 6 billion people in the world, but the population growth rate is in decline. It is deniable that Population is growing exponentially, and it is also untrue.


Globally, the growth rate of the human population has been declining since peaking in 1962 and 1963 at 2.20% per annum. In 2009 the estimated annual growth rate was 1.1%




Your over all point however is valid, that there are a number of reasons to be looking at reducing energy consumption.


There are however the additional arguments based on AGW that we should be looking at what pollutants we release and create stronger emissions targets based on what the science advises us.


Denial and procrastination today is storing up problems for later that will cost us more.

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There are over 6 billion people in the world, but the population growth rate is in decline. It is deniable that Population is growing exponentially, and it is also untrue.





Your over all point however is valid, that there are a number of reasons to be looking at reducing energy consumption.


There are however the additional arguments based on AGW that we should be looking at what pollutants we release and create stronger emissions targets based on what the science advises us.


Denial and procrastination today is storing up problems for later that will cost us more.


Dont see the clock running backwards, but you probably will.


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There are over 6 billion people in the world, but the population growth rate is in decline. It is deniable that Population is growing exponentially, and it is also untrue.

You may note I said "near exponentially".



Your over all point however is valid, that there are a number of reasons to be looking at reducing energy consumption.

And increasing energy harvest from sustainable sources.

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