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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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and letting the global warming alarmists .... restrain our freedom, to control us, to dictate what it is we should and should not be doing is unacceptable...


A politician wants his electorate to have unrestrained freedom to do as they please? Why would that be?


Who's going to elect a politician who tries to ban private cars and international air travel?


Politicians are as short sighted as their electorate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The level of wilful ignorance on issues like climate change is rather sad.


This article and Video of Rachel Maddow explains one of the causes. The funding and influence of Right Wing echo chambers, the creation of 'truths' with no basis in fact that influence and motivate the right wing in america. The propaganda machine that is destroying American democracy.



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Yawn, yet another left/green wing propaganda site.


Yet again the RSS Global temperature anomoly drops in October, in fact it more than halfs...


Global warming is no longer an issue, Global cooling will be though.


Nothing to do with man made CO2 though; so they'll have to find another way to tax and control us.... Bio diversity anyone...

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