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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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You should re-read your own citation




1.) You seem to have very little doubt despite having only the ability to ride on the coat tails of others.


2.) See 1 ;)


3.) Whatever subject is discussed you throw away your 'Oscar Wilde Disobedience' signature and bend cravenly before the Ancien Regime, Appeals to Authority and the latest 'Safe Accepted Ideas' with Rebels like you who needs robots ;)


4.) Varying degrees of certainty (although for you invariable absolute certainty)


5.) See 4


6.) Your answer to this one is DENIER (as if it were some sort of sinister profession).


Read your own citations more carefully in future 2/10


1&2) Whoosh as my point sails over your head.


3) Gullibility is not feature to be commended.


4) Making stuff up doesn't make your arguments any less ridiculous.


5) see 4


6) It is a sinister profession. The implication of denial when applied to global warming or of the holocaust is of a conspiracy amongst academics beyond any reason and without anything like sufficient evidence. Implying such conspiracies is of its nature sinister, because it undermines truth and subverts decision making.

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1)What relevance has past temperature changes got to the issue of recent warming and its causes?


2)The fact of past natural temperature changes doesn't mean current changes aren't caused by human activity.


3)The argument you are making is rather like saying that discarding a lit match on tinder dry shrub won't cause a fire because fires have been caused by natural causes in the past.


1) Given that the Global Warming Lobby has spent so much time and money on research trying (including faking proxy correlations with real observed data) to demonstrate that current rates of warming are 'unprecedented' I assume the 'Lobby' sees relevance.


2) It doesn't mean that they are either. (Are you really a Philosophy Major)


3) You are the one asserting the existence of the match and the tinder dry shrub and then attributing a non sequitur to me.


You seem to have a penchant for the non-sequitur. Are you really a Philosophy Major ?

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1) Given that the Global Warming Lobby has spent so much time and money on research trying (including faking proxy correlations with real observed data) to demonstrate that current rates of warming are 'unprecedented' I assume the 'Lobby' sees relevance.


2) It doesn't mean that they are either. (Are you really a Philosophy Major)


3) You are the one asserting the existence of the match and the tinder dry shrub and then attributing a non sequitur to me.


You seem to have a penchant for the non-sequitur. Are you really a Philosophy Major ?


1) False, for reasons already clearly explained in post 2069. Also you have introduced 'unprecedented' when I have never claimed that, in fact my claims have quite clearly been the opposite.


2) I never said they did. Are you literate?


3) Whether the match exists or not was not relevant to my point about the fallacy of an argument that looks at historic climate changes and says because those changes are natural climate change now must also be. Whether through intent or ignorance, it is you that is guilty of the non-sequitur.

Edited by Wildcat
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Looks like the Canadians have got the right idea.




Prime Minister Stephen Harper has defended Tory senators who voted down a climate change bill ahead of an upcoming United Nations meeting on the issue in Mexico.


Harper, in responding to a query from NDP Leader Jack Layton in question period Wednesday in Ottawa, said Conservatives have been consistent and clear in their opposition to Bill C-311, which the prime minister called "a completely irresponsible bill."...


..."It sets irresponsible targets, doesn't lay out any measure of achieving them other than ... by shutting down sections of the Canadian economy and throwing hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of people out of work," Harper said. "Of course, we will never support such legislation."



Source http://www.cbc.ca/technology/story/2010/11/17/senate-climate-bill.html

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