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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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How many windmills will India need ?


How much concrete will be needed to support those windymills, how many resources will be consumed by building them, how much CO2 will that generate (doesn't matter though as they're a 'devolping country' and it's a different kind of CO2 :D )?


However the most important question is just how much electricity will they generate, how efficient are they?



Oh, hang on; none of that matters; just think of the subsidies they'll 'generate'.

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So, we're back to the discredited Mann (of Hockey Schtick infamy), Trenberth, Schmidt, Hansen, et al.



The only fraud here is the one being perpetrated upon joe public by the warmists keen on keeping both the money (for research you know) and the 'fame' that goes with it.



Someone please show me the link between anthropgenic generated CO2 and climate....

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So, we're back to the discredited Mann (of Hockey Schtick infamy), Trenberth, Schmidt, Hansen, et al.



The only fraud here is the one being perpetrated upon joe public by the warmists keen on keeping both the money (for research you know) and the 'fame' that goes with it.



Someone please show me the link between anthropgenic generated CO2 and climate....


Here's a link to a site which might know,


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So, we're back to the discredited Mann (of Hockey Schtick infamy), Trenberth, Schmidt, Hansen, et al.



The only fraud here is the one being perpetrated upon joe public by the warmists keen on keeping both the money (for research you know) and the 'fame' that goes with it.



Someone please show me the link between anthropgenic generated CO2 and climate....


The hockey stick has been proved correct by studies analysing a variety of different sources including corals, stalagmites, tree rings, boreholes and ice cores.



Your allegations of fraud are revealing. If you really think the whole scientific community is involved in a lefty fraud to redistribute wealth to the third world, then all it shows is the extent of your gullibility.


As you have seen before you can find all the evidence you need along with sources and references to papers here:


Edited by Wildcat
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Of course it was:rolleyes: Keep taking the tablets, lie down and think of winter.


Your reading ability appears to be subnormal I doubt any ten year old would read what what you posted and come to the conclusions you did:


For the record:We at the DeSmogBlog are proud of our principal funder, John Lefebvre. That’s why we list him on our website. Unlike the people at Monckton’s SPPInstitute.org. (which split off from the Frontiers of Freedom Institute so they could try to deny their Exxon connections) we have maintained a policy of transparency, and will continue to do so. It was also a tactical error to start pointing people to helpful websites with clear graphs and reliable science that could support my position. It left open the possibility for Monckton to say, “I could produce 35 graphs” to the contrary - which fiction then drifted to the listeners as if it were, well, accurate in the real world.
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How much concrete will be needed to support those windymills, how many resources will be consumed by building them, how much CO2 will that generate (doesn't matter though as they're a 'devolping country' and it's a different kind of CO2 :D )?


However the most important question is just how much electricity will they generate, how efficient are they?



Oh, hang on; none of that matters; just think of the subsidies they'll 'generate'.

Hybridised nuclear power is the way to go... screw greenpeace and their one time anti nuclear slant. If we wish to reduce carbon emissions then this is the way to go, not some overblown scheme to rely on wind power when the wind itself is unreliable.
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