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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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From that link.


But possibly the most surprising finding of the research relates to the Karakoram region, where more than half the glaciers are stable or are even advancing.


The findings support India's opposition to claims by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the UN's climate change agency -- in 2008 of the Himalayan glaciers disappearing.Indian scientists had countered the IPCC claims by presenting their own data that suggested that any impact of climate change on the Himalayan glaciers was far more subtle and complicated than the IPCC had suggested.

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From that link.


Yes, all matters of public record.


The IPCC made a mistake in one paragraph of a thousand page document.


The report being cited in today's story supports the theory of global warming, not as you would like to present it as evidence against the consensus opinion.


Presenting it is such is a typical denialist tactic.... picking fault with minor details whilst ignoring the overwhelming evidence in the big picture.

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Yes, all matters of public record.


The IPCC made a mistake in one paragraph of a thousand page document.


The report being cited in today's story supports the theory of global warming, not as you would like to present it as evidence against the consensus opinion.


Presenting it is such is a typical denialist tactic.... picking fault with minor details whilst ignoring the overwhelming evidence in the big picture.


Apparently snow would be a thing of the past


NOAA have just released the following big picture




Which shows the entire northern hemisphere pretty much covered in snow.

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Apparently snow would be a thing of the past


NOAA have just released the following big picture




Which shows the entire northern hemisphere pretty much covered in snow.





Also global temperatures are now no higher than they were in 1979 almost 30 years ago .


So where is this evidence for global warming ?

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Oh dear, yet another report taking exception to IPCC scaremongering predictions. This time it's regarding population migration:



Climate change not expected to lead to mass cross-border migrationPeople are more likely to move short distances to cities, rather than across borders, says a new report.


Alarming predictions by the UN, charities and some environmentalists that between 200 million and 1 billion people could flood across international borders to escape the impacts of climate change in the next 40 years are unrealistic, distract from the real problems and could actually impoverish vulnerable people, new research suggests...


...Dire predictions of waves of forced climate change "refugees" have been made for more than 20 years. In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that its greatest single impact might be on human migration – with millions of people displaced by shoreline erosion, coastal flooding and agricultural disruption...


...In fact, says Tacoli, non-environmental factors largely determine the duration, destination and composition of migrant flows. "Temporary migration is more likely to be directed towards urban centres, and increasingly towards smaller towns. Young people also move to towns, with boys as young as 14 going to work in construction and services such as watchmen," she says.



Far from being a loss to local economies, Tacoli found that when people do move internationally they often invest back in their home regions, strengthening the economy and actually reducing people's vulnerability to climate change...


Source http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/poverty-matters/2011/feb/04/climate-climate-refugees

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Looks like the co founder of Greenpeace also has issues with the IPCC and their junkscience:-




...If you look at CRU record from 1860, you see a cooling period. There's a global trend – this is Phil Jones' data set – a warming trend to 2k or 1998. It's a reasonably steep curve, a 0.4°C increase over a 25-year period. Now the IPCC statement is that MOST of the warming that has occurred since mid-last century "is most likely to human emissions".


This is problematic for several reasons. The word "most" implies 50 to 100 per cent, a big range. But how do they know it's not, say, 36?...


...Second, they use the phrase "very likely", which is not technically definable. They define it as a 90 per cent probability. But where do they get 90 from? It's not a calculation, it's not a statistic – it's a rhetorical construct that means "very likely 90 per cent" – but they've given number to all those terms. That is not science. That is pure made-up stuff...


... So the question becomes what caused that warming? What caused the 1800s warming? All that puts lie to certainty that has arisen from the IPCC. There may be some human element to this, but in the IPCC view, none of those other factors matter, we're the only agent of change.



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Well it had to happen. Some enviroloon journo decides that the Tsunami could be caused by AGW.






If you ask me, now is a perfectly reasonable time to be analyzing such possible causal relationships, like the one between climate change and earthquakes (which set off tsunamis). You are, after all, perhaps turning to a green site like TreeHugger to examine the environmental implications of various world events. But some insist this reeks of opportunism (especially those amongst the anti-climate crowd) -- and therefore should be immediately written off as sensationalism.


But there are perfectly appropriate ways to treat the story. For instance, Grist's Christopher Mims has a good piece pointing out scientists' concerns that increased carbon emissions are leading to more earthquakes (though the headline's pushing it)


I'm really liking one of the comments.


This is nonsense. I'm a geologist and I can assure you that firstly there are no huge masses of ice that are now melting over continental crust. Secondly, the "bounce" you mention takes thousands of years and is of course an imperceptible move. We're still moving a little from the last ice age melt of about 12,000 years ago.

Earthquakes cause tsunamis. The vast majority of quakes are caused by crustal movements connected to plate tectonics.

Some people will do anything it seems to save the planet - except take a science course.


Edited by convert
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Another gaff by the head of the IPCC?



Climate change-triggered high sea level led to more damage in Japan: Pachauri


KOLKATA: The devastation caused by the tsunami in Japan would have been significantly less had there not been such a high rise in the sea level due to climate change “as the phenomenon tends to be a multiplier of the threats that take place,” Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said here on Monday.


“In the 20th century, sea-level rise was recorded at an average of 17 centimetres. If the sea-level was significantly lower, clearly the same tsunami would have had a less devastating effect. Therefore, sea-level rise is a kind of multiplier of the kinds of threats and negative impacts that will take place anyway,” Dr. Pachauri said at the inauguration of a meeting of IPCC experts on “Human Settlements and Infrastructure — Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies.”


Source http://www.hindu.com/2011/03/23/stories/2011032356101000.htm


Good article on it at WUWT http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/03/23/climate-craziness-of-the-week-ipccs-pachauri-claims-17cm-of-sea-level-rise-made-the-tsunami-worse/


Well worth scrolling through the comments, one of which states that the sea level around Japan has actually fallen since the 50's.



I'm so glad this clown is in charge of the IPCC, they lose credibility every time he opens his mouth.


What do the warmists / alarmists think. Is it time that the railway engineer was 'shunted' off?

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