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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I presume we all know how goole works, why do some people validate there argument with huge ”cut and paste” jobs, just the initial link would do.


Sorry about my lengthy post above, although it is mainly links to stories showing bias at the BBC.


Sometimes, IMHO, it's best to give a small quote as well as the link, as lots of Forum users are too lazy to click on the links.

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No but according to the alarmists, George Monbiot is someone to take very seriously, and he's called for the head of the CRU to resign over this.


But I was responding to Serapis who cites what Melanie Phillips said, nowt to do with Monbiot, who incidentally I don't agree with on the resignation issue and I don't think many others do either.

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But I was responding to Serapis who cites what Melanie Phillips said, nowt to do with Monbiot, who incidentally I don't agree with on the resignation issue and I don't think many others do either.


Ah so you only agree with what some of George Monbiot says then...


Some people might have the same view regarding Melanie Phillip's comments...

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Who said I agree with George Monbiot?:huh:


You didn't need to say that you agreed with him, from your previous posts you seem to agree with AGW, and you try to defend it. As does GM. Ergo... You do the maths...







Oops I forgot the maths will need CRU 'correction' factors adding in won't it ;)

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You're kidding!



You mean the BBC (Biased Broadcasting Corporation) actually let a 'denier' have a say.


Very unlike them, their coverage so far has been a little one sided, focusing on the fact that the data was hacked rather than the contents.


A rundown of the climate related stories from the BBC since this 'leak';



Rather than showing bias what it shows is that they are providing balanced coverage that represents the consensus scientific opinion on the subject.

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Rather than showing bias what it shows is that they are providing balanced coverage that represents the consensus scientific opinion on the subject.


Not in my opinion, It shows a broadcasting company that has peddled the AGW view for so long, that it doesn't even want to admit that there might be a conflicting view on the matter.



Come on, Bianca Jagger is allowed to givie her opinion on MMGW, but David Bellamy isn't....


Remember :



The issue is not Trenberth or scientists talking smack. It is the illegal evasion of legitmate scientific requests for data needed to replicate a scientific study. Without replication, science cannot move forwards. And when you only give data to friends of yours, and not to people who actually might take a critical look at it, you know what you end up with? A “consensus”

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You didn't need to say that you agreed with him, from your previous posts you seem to agree with AGW, and you try to defend it. As does GM. Ergo... You do the maths...


Oops I forgot the maths will need CRU 'correction' factors adding in won't it ;)


I am not trying to defend it or anyone actually.


What I am doing though is suggesting Melanie Phillips isn't the best person to put forward the Man made Global warming Hoax theory....given her bizarre views on some of the topics I have listed in my post about her.


Also convert you keep highlighting people like Booker, Lawson,Senator James M. Inhofe all vocal skeptics, to back up your claim that the e-mail leakage is causing waves.....but these people were already of that opinion....nothing in the e-mail leakage made them suddenly come to the view that Man made Global warming was a hoax.

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