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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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It's interesting that even though the wick as you say has been turned down on the main driver we are still experiencing warming. This would rather tend to support the claim that AGW is occurring in spite of the lower energy input from the sun....

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Let's assume, just for a moment, that all the global warming stuff is a pile of horse droppings.

What's the worst that would happen if we got it wrong but clean up anyway.




A cleaner planet. What does it matter if we're right or wrong? Lets do it anyway.

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Let's assume, just for a moment, that all the global warming stuff is a pile of horse droppings.

What's the worst that would happen if we got it wrong but clean up anyway.




A cleaner planet. What does it matter if we're right or wrong? Lets do it anyway.


At any financial cost?

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Let's assume, just for a moment, that all the global warming stuff is a pile of horse droppings.

What's the worst that would happen if we got it wrong but clean up anyway.




A cleaner planet. What does it matter if we're right or wrong? Lets do it anyway.


I dont think anyone has a problem with having a cleaner planet, the problem is with politicians and large corporations charging inflated costs/fees, making themselves a tidy packet in the process etc and using uneeded so called green policies as an excuse.

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Let's assume, just for a moment, that all the global warming stuff is a pile of horse droppings.

What's the worst that would happen if we got it wrong but clean up anyway.




A cleaner planet. What does it matter if we're right or wrong? Lets do it anyway.


No offense, but that is the attitude that they want you to take; the attitude of the Sheeple.


Where do you think the 'free' solar panels are subsidised from... The electricity companies, who in turn increase the cost of power to the general public.


What about the CCL ? What effect has that had, and is it still having on companies moving production abroard; TATA anyone?



I have no problem with us reducing consumption, and looking for more efficient ways to live; I just have a big problem with the precautionary priniciple being used as a reason to blindly stumble forwards into yet more taxation driven eco bull****.

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Has anyone heard of H A A R P or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program? H A A R P is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


It is suggested that it is being used to control the weather AND even cause earthquakes around the world !


Could this have happened due to HAARP ?


HAARP is a bed of 48 - 72 foot tall antennas. These antennas lie in Gakona Alaska in the Copper River valley.


HAARP colors in the sky Before Chile Earthquake:


China Earthquake 2010: Caused by American Scalar HAARP Weapon?


Was the Tsunami in Japan caused by HAARP?

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When I was at school there were 2 kids in the whole school with asthma.

I'm led to understand there are no sure causes of the disease but lets look at the increase in pollution over the last 30 years or so then look at the rates in school kids today.



The first study, which was carried out in 1973, diagnosed asthma in 5.5% of the children.


By 1988, that had risen to 12%, and had increased to 27.3% in 2003.


I wonder if pollution has any impact on that increase.




Maybe. Now we're aware there is a real link between health and the crap we pump into the air, lets get clean regardless of the threat of global warming.

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When I was at school there were 2 kids in the whole school with asthma.

I'm led to understand there are no sure causes of the disease but lets look at the increase in pollution over the last 30 years or so then look at the rates in school kids today.





I wonder if pollution has any impact on that increase.




Maybe. Now we're aware there is a real link between health and the crap we pump into the air, lets get clean regardless of the threat of global warming.


I'll tell you what, if they want to tax us on pollution fine.


CO2, however is not a pollutant.

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