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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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I'd have to say that the best way of what you are describing it total utter codswallop.


HAARP is a radio transmitter - like thousands all about the world. There is nothing special about it - it's very similar to AM radio transmitters of which there are a few dozen in the UK. All it does is transmit at the sky in order to research the ionosphere - the power density you get from it is a fair deal less than you would get from a radar or a microwave oven.


Chossudovsky is an economics professor. HE knows stuff all about electromagnetics so why he thinks he can comment on something that your average physics graduate knows is utter balls is beyond me. Why people listen is a whole different kettle of fish


Cheers Obelix for your constructive answer. I don't know really how dangerous HAARP may be, but surely blasting a *edit (BILLION) watts of power up into the ionesphere can't be a good thing? They are doing it i believe to see if they can stop missiles or something if launced at america, but from what i have read so far, it appears also that this can be used to attempt to control the weather, create earthquakes and even tsunamis. I hope its all complete twaddle, but i wouldn't put it past man to try and im sure the weather HAS been controled in some ways in the past. Chernobyl was one incident where rain was expected to fall on Moscow was it and some kind of silicone i think was used to make the rain clouds deposit elsewhere in a less populated area. Where does ALL that energy go and where or how does it get released if it blasted high up into the sky like it is? :(

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Well for a start, it's only about four times the output power of Emley Moor transmitter, which isn't noted for causing any problems. If you add in for example Bilsdale, Winter Hill, Sutton Coldfield, Belmont, etc you will find that just the UK's TV transmitters are way way more powerful than Haarp's array.


If you look at the output power, and then look at the incoming solar radiation from the Sun it's miniscule by comparison. If you wanted to create the "effects" that it is supposedly capable of you have to deliver the energy, and generate the energy. Since it cannot do either - it has nowhere near the output power to start a tsunami for example, (even if radio waves could start one - people say they can but how?) so it's unreasonable to even consider that it's possible this is what it does.

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Did you see the announcement from Nasa in the last few days, we are potentially moving into another period like the maunder minimum, or the little ice age, when european rivers regularly froze in the winter and the average temperature was several degree's lower than the longer term average (lasted about 70 years didn't it?)



Anybody know where you can get cheap polar bear coats?

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This is the site i have been trying to find and it explains it all very well. It includes a 7 minute video that also explains easily how HAARP can cause Major Earthquakes.


It states: "For those of you unfamiliar with the HAARP program, I quote the following from their website:


"HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes..."




Just to point out, that i am NOT one of these conspiracy freaks and just hope that this technology doesn't do any harm to the planet, but I am really unsure about it's safe use and i really feel that it is a dangerous path to be walking down. What's more frightening is that it is more than likely an intentional walk down this path.

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Well for a start, it's only about four times the output power of Emley Moor transmitter, which isn't noted for causing any problems. If you add in for example Bilsdale, Winter Hill, Sutton Coldfield, Belmont, etc you will find that just the UK's TV transmitters are way way more powerful than Haarp's array.


If you look at the output power, and then look at the incoming solar radiation from the Sun it's miniscule by comparison. If you wanted to create the "effects" that it is supposedly capable of you have to deliver the energy, and generate the energy. Since it cannot do either - it has nowhere near the output power to start a tsunami for example, (even if radio waves could start one - people say they can but how?) so it's unreasonable to even consider that it's possible this is what it does.



I initially put 3.6 MW but its actually a BILLION watts micro wave beamed into the ionesphere that pushes the ionesphere out into outer space then it rebounds back causing vibrations that can cause earthquakes. Watch the video, it explains it very well: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/20/951/Are_We_in_a_HAARP_Earthquake_War.html


* and it CAN be directed

Edited by Joe9T
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I initially put 3.6 MW but its actually a BILLION watts micro wave beamed into the ionesphere that pushes the ionesphere out into outer space then it rebounds back causing vibrations that can cause earthquakes. Watch the video, it explains it very well: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/20/951/Are_We_in_a_HAARP_Earthquake_War.html


* and it CAN be directed


I'm sorry..when I got to this part on that site I immediately put it in the "crackpot" catagory


"What isn't mentioned above is the fact that the earth has its own magnetic field. The Illuminati know this, and try to locate their Capitals on the grid where the field is the strongest, believing that the location makes communication with the Spirit World more intense."

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I initially put 3.6 MW but its actually a BILLION watts micro wave beamed into the ionesphere that pushes the ionesphere out into outer space then it rebounds back causing vibrations that can cause earthquakes. Watch the video, it explains it very well: http://beforeitsnews.com/story/20/951/Are_We_in_a_HAARP_Earthquake_War.html


* and it CAN be directed


Yeah, right - because there is a causal link that's proven between wobbling some rarefied ionspheric gas about and moving the Earth's crust about...

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A BILLION watts is equivalent to 1000 Mega Watts and this is beamed high into the ionesphere. Very dangerous and damaging i would say!


So you'd appreciate that the 200 million billion watts that the Sun delivers is even more dangerous and we should consider switching the Sun off as well?

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