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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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If you seriously want to know about this and want some contact info at the Uni then I can probably provide it.


I'm fairly open to the possible dangers, mainly because I know how the system works and what the effects of it are. To make a reasonable assessment of the dangers you have to understand the system however which is not a position that I think you are yet in.

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I can learn and attempt to understand, but anything that can destroy incoming missiles by doing something high up in the ionesphere must be quite powerful. That is something not denied by HAARP website.


I would love to gain unbiased opinions and yes i do need to understand like the majority of the planet rather than just accept without any question this debatable "research" programme named HAARP.

Edited by Joe9T
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I can learn and attempt to understand, but anything that can destroy incoming missiles by doing something high up in the ionesphere must be quite powerful. That is something not denied by HAARP website.


I would love to gain unbiased opinions and yes i do need to understand like the majority of the planet rather than just accept without any question this debatable "research" programme named HAARP.


You have evidence they can destroy such missiles? I mean proper evidence not some crapfest on some youtube video site?


Arquiva http://www.arqiva.com/ doesn't deny they can destroy incoming missiles on their website. Neither do I for that matter. Does that automatically mean that we can?


I don't feel it is necessary to deny that I can resurrect people. By your logic I must therefore be the Messiah and this is the Second Coming? Right?

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I cannot believe that you are not believing HAARPS own website and the purpose according to them why this system is in place.


I shall not waste any more time with numpties who wont even believe the original line not the so called conspiracy line.


I shall do my research minus your recommendations thankyou

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From the "official" website: "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.


"Can HAARP be used for military purposes?

HAARP is not designed to be an operational system for military purposes."


Is NOT designed, but that's not to say it couldn't be used for military purposes.


Well, I hope this research facility is safe, but i suppose we shall only find out in the long run.

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I can learn and attempt to understand, but anything that can destroy incoming missiles by doing something high up in the ionesphere must be quite powerful. That is something not denied by HAARP website.


I would love to gain unbiased opinions and yes i do need to understand like the majority of the planet rather than just accept without any question this debatable "research" programme named HAARP.

No missiles dropping on population centres?


Anyone would think that it was a bad thing from what you insinuate.

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Looks like AR5 is going to be a load of greenwash, as they are refusing to apply their conflict of interest policy to the authors.




Yesterday, IPCC chairman Pachauri told Oliver Morton of The Economist at an IPCC event in Brussels that conflict of interest policies would not not apply to AR5 authors. IPCC thereby sabotaged recommendations from the Interacademy Council and announced its plans to evade the conflict of interest policies passed at the 33rd IPCC plenary only a month ago...



I like one of the quotes on the piece...


He’s saying AR5 is so utterly corrupt there’s no way to salvage it before it’s time to write AR6. Nice to agree with Pachauri at least once.

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