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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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Fed up of rising energy proces. Blame the greenies.


According to Ofgem, the Government’s own energy market regulator, four per cent of our gas bills and 10 per cent

of our electricity bills this year will be made up of environmental levies. But you won’t find mention of them on your bill.


Many people are completely unaware of them. The average household will pay £48 towards something called the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target – a Government scheme which compels energy suppliers to subsidise loft and cavity-wall insulation.


We are also paying an average of £13 towards the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which obliges energy companies to buy permits, or “credits”, to burn fossils fuels. Another £16 goes towards the Renewables Obligation, which currently forces energy companies to buy 11 per cent of their energy from more expensive ‘green’ sources such as wind farms and solar panels.


All in all, green levies this year will add nearly £100 to our bills. But this is just the beginning. The proportion of energy which suppliers must buy from pricey green sources is due to rise progressively and the number of carbon permits available under the ETS will fall, forcing up the price.


By 2020 we will be each pay around £250 a year in green levies. Our politicians know full well that these levies are a large part of the story behind rising energy bills. All but a handful of MPs who were in Parliament before the last election supported the Climate Change Act 2008 which committed the UK to cutting carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.



Source http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/258183

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That's a stunning level of ignorance in so few words. However, no blame on you since perpetuating that ignorance is what sells newspapers, even if it doesn't help to keep the planet in a fit state for human habitation.


So tell me how carbon taxes are going to save the planet?

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From the "official" website: "HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.


"Can HAARP be used for military purposes?

HAARP is not designed to be an operational system for military purposes."


Is NOT designed, but that's not to say it couldn't be used for military purposes.


Well, I hope this research facility is safe, but i suppose we shall only find out in the long run.

I preferred HAARP when it was just a lager producer.

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So tell me how carbon taxes are going to save the planet?


It's very simple in principle.


  • Prices go up, you use less.
  • Taxes pay for green infrastructure so you can use less.
  • The green infrastructure reduces carbon emissions, resource consumption, waste, etc, etc, etc.
  • You keep your fingers crossed that you haven't left it too late for your children to have somewhere fit to live.

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It's very simple in principle.


  • Prices go up, you use less.
  • Taxes pay for green infrastructure so you can use less.
  • The green infrastructure reduces carbon emissions, resource consumption, waste, etc, etc, etc.
  • You keep your fingers crossed that you haven't left it too late for your children to have somewhere fit to live.


  • Wage inflation follows, you use the same.

  • Taxes pay for green infrastructure so that those in the know can make huge profits while the sheeple pay more for the same.

  • You realise that if our planet with its complex non-linear systems and negative feedback loops really can't cope with a man burning a stick we are all ****** anyway.

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It's very simple in principle.


  • Prices go up, you use less.
  • Taxes pay for green infrastructure so you can use less.
  • The green infrastructure reduces carbon emissions, resource consumption, waste, etc, etc, etc.
  • You keep your fingers crossed that you haven't left it too late for your children to have somewhere fit to live.


The great carbon credit con




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It's very simple in principle.


  • Prices go up, you use less.
  • Taxes pay for green infrastructure so you can use less.
  • The green infrastructure reduces carbon emissions, resource consumption, waste, etc, etc, etc.
  • You keep your fingers crossed that you haven't left it too late for your children to have somewhere fit to live.


Prices go up, but winters are getting colder... Explain where we use less please? We don't; just more and more people in fuel poverty.


Taxes pay for green infrastructure... But only for windymills and 'free' solar panels for those with houses big enough for the solar power companies to reap the FIT.


Green infrastructure reduces carbon emissions... like all the extra concrete needed for the pilings for off shore wind farms... that generate how much electricity?


It's just green hogwash, the majority of the people have had enough, and come this winter when they're making the choice between keeping warm or eating let's see how many more stop believing in all this green bull.


I'm all for insulating and minimising our useage of scarce resources, I'm just fed up of the way in which people like Al Gore seem to profit from it.

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