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Am I still allowed to question climate change?

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It doesn't really matter if you don't care or believe. It's happening no matter what you think.


Get with the programme. Take some time out to learn a bit about it - most of what you have written is just plain wrong.

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It doesn't really matter if you don't care or believe. It's happening no matter what you think.


Get with the programme. Take some time out to learn a bit about it - most of what you have written is just plain wrong.


So the brainwashing works....

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You best take a look in the mirror truman. I spend a lot of time on this, there's no brainwashing but I can spot greenwash a mile off.


But just hold that thought for a moment and tell us what's the worst that can happen? The world becomes a better place? How shocking is that?

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It doesn't really matter if you don't care or believe. It's happening no matter what you think.


Get with the programme. Take some time out to learn a bit about it - most of what you have written is just plain wrong.


Ahh, Truth by assertation.


It's not that I don't care, I just don't believe the 'evidence' presented so far.


I'm open to reasoned debate on the issue, but most of what I've seen on here has been wiki links to real climate and other Gavin Schmidt sock puppet sites; sites with their own agendas to promote.


Please also provide facts that show what I've written is wrong, or retract the comment.

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Fuel poverty affects one in five households


As if by Magic the BBC have an article on fuel poverty...






More than a fifth of all households in the UK were affected by fuel poverty in 2009, government figures have shown.


Higher fuel bills meant the number of homes affected rose by one million, or 22%, to 5.5 million, the Department of Energy and Climate Change said.


A household is described as being in fuel poverty when it has to spend more than 10% of its income keeping warm.


DECC predicts that the numbers for 2010 and 2011 will have increased because of further rises in the price of energy.




What they fail to mention is one of the reasons that fuel prices are rising. Green taxes and Fuel suppliers being made to foot the bill for Solar FIT.



How many lives will be lost this winter, because people can't afford to heat their homes?

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It doesn't really matter if you don't care or believe. It's happening no matter what you think.


Get with the programme. Take some time out to learn a bit about it - most of what you have written is just plain wrong.


I don't know if you keep up with the news, Tony, but have you heard of something called "Climategate"? It proved that the global warming lobby had manipulated data to make it look like global warming was really happening when in reality, as this thread title shows, there is no irrefutable evidence.


Of course the global warming lobby have held several inquirys into the Climategate scandal but needless to say they've been complete whitewashes. Organisations investigating themselves never seem to reach a guilty verdict, do they?

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I don't know if you keep up with the news, Tony, but have you heard of something called "Climategate"? It proved that the global warming lobby had manipulated data to make it look like global warming was really happening when in reality, as this thread title shows, there is no irrefutable evidence.


Of course the global warming lobby have held several inquirys into the Climategate scandal but needless to say they've been complete whitewashes. Organisations investigating themselves never seem to reach a guilty verdict, do they?


If the planet isn’t warming how do you account for the change in sea level, the increase in sea temperature and the shrinking of the glaziers and polar ice sheet?

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If the planet isn’t warming how do you account for the change in sea level, the increase in sea temperature and the shrinking of the glaziers and polar ice sheet?


So do the glaziers need bigger ladders...:D


PS What change in sea level. Please provide evidence.


As for the polar ice sheet, well seeing as we're still coming out of the last ice age I'd expect it to be shrinking,

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So do the glaziers need bigger ladders...:D


PS What change in sea level. Please provide evidence.


As for the polar ice sheet, well seeing as we're still coming out of the last ice age I'd expect it to be shrinking,


Google sea level rise and you will find plenty of websites telling you about it, you will iether believe it or you won't. You appear to have accepted that the ice caps are shrinking so it must be getting warmer and the sea must be rising, all that extra water as to go somewere. Sorry for my glacier spelling mistake I’m happy that it amused you.

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